Chapter 4: Not a Kidnapper

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Rosé's pov

I was crying in his embrace when something pulled me out of it. I looked up to who is it and found one of the employees 'Dahyun'.
Before I could even blink she hugged Jimin and kissed his cheeks as if he was his.

"Honey I have something to tell you."

"So let's go than. Ummm Rosé I'll see you in the office. Bye."

"See ya." I smiled as they turned there backs and left.

*Night at 10:00pm*

Author's pov

"Rosé why have you called me to this stupid Club?"

"Let's get drunk tonight lily."

"Why what happened?"

"What? Don't we have a life? Can't just chill for few hours?"


They both were now drunk and talking about stupid things

"Yah Lalisa Manoban g-get yourself a b-boy, I w-will do t-the same!"

Lisa was now wandering around the club. To whomever she goes the person has a pair already. She was now moving towards the right corner table on which the person with a black coat was seated.
She went from behind and put her hands around his neck hugging him from behind.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" The men shouted.

"What! Don't you love me? Lets enjoy, take me to dance!"

"Get off from me! I ain't taking you anywhere!"

"No! You will take me! And! You will take me!"

Lisa hugged him even more tighter.

Jungkook's pov

What is this specie! She isn't even moving from my body! Ughhhh I am not gonna let go Taehyung! This is only because of him!
He cancelled his appointment and sent me in place of him in here. On top of it! The person for the meeting never arrived but this psycho lady has!

"Look miss get off from me right away!"
"Hello? Can you hear me even."

I looked down and found out that she was sleeping while hugging me.

"What the! How can someone sleep this fast!"
"Now what shall I do with her?"

I picked her up in my arms and went to the club rooms. I paid for one of the room and dropped her on the bed. I was gonna leave when she grabbed my hand and pulled me in the bed. Now she was on top of me staring at me deadly.

"W-What are y-you doing g-get off from me I am still a baby!"

Lisa smirked at him and buried her neck on his neck, while Jungkook was sitting like a statue who was bothered by her actions. She slowly started placing kiss on his neck.

"Look lady stop right here or——

My words weren't coming out as soon as she started staring right into my eyes, her index finger of my lips. In a blink she kissed her index finger which was placed on my lips. I am shaking right now, her actions aren't normal.
What is he gonna do with me.
Whoever said that men are under control of a women are right.
I can't even do anything.

"L-look miss I am not saying anything d-doesn't mean I would allow you to do anything."

"A-Are you scared little Kookoo."

"Who the fvck is Kookoo?"

"Is there anyone except for you and me in this room?"

"Are you blind of course we are the only ones."

"Do you know what happens when two people are alone in a room?"

I gulped.
"Umm yes."

"Than I will do what you did to me."

"What did I do to you?"

"You'll know."

She took off her jacket leaving herself on a shirt. Before anything could happen she tied my hands with it.

"What the fvck. Untie this right away!"

"You tried to kidnap me didn't you! I'll show you what real kidnapping is!"

In a single move she tied my toes even with the spare clothes in the drawer. God I am terrified! What is this girl gonna do. I meant only good to carry her in here and she! She is planning on torturing me!
She made me sit on the chair with my everything tied. Next she covered me with the bedsheet!

"Look I am telling you ummm ahhh oooo."
Just wow she was covered my mouth even! I look like a fluff ball on the chair who is making noises which are barely audible. Making me in this position she lied on the need and poof in few seconds she was already asleep.
You mean I am stuck in here until she wakes up! God what is this! I have a meeting tomorrow as well! Boss will kill me if I didn't appear for the meeting specially when it switch the Sale Smart company!

Authors note:

A little small chapter, I hope you liked it.
Next chapter coming soon, Stay tuned.
Thank you for supporting me everyone!

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