The hate i get.

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         Living with siblings wasn't really a big deal, until one of them hates you. When people say they wish they were twins, I thank God that he didn't grant their wish, because only him knows that what I pass through, others cannot pass through it. That was why I was listening to the rubbish that Veronica was spilling with an open mind .
    "All you do is ruin my life!. can't you just get lost and find a way to be a loser on your own?. "She said. At this point I was just looking at her blankly.
      "Ohh. Cat's got your tongue,or your just too dumb to talk?" She asked, looking at me from head to toe.

"Last time I checked ,  Victoria was the one with a 'A' to 'A+' result. You got promoted on trial. If anyone here is too dumb, it's you. So shut the fuck up and get your ass out of this room. Now!."our elder sister, Vera said. Veronica ran off with a scrowl.
I didn't even know when she came in.
     "Thank you."I whispered to Vera.
She snorted . "I don't understand  you, Vicky. how can you let that spoiled brat Bring you down?". She asked for the one hundred time this week.
"She's my twin" I replied, sighing.
"And so?" She asked.
She left when she saw I wasn't going to give an answer.
     Hi. My name is Victoria and I bet you think am stupid.  My sister, Victory has a problem with the fact that am her twin. According to her, God felt funny after making her perfect and decided to give her a permanent joke. That permanent joke is Me.
  She wasn't always like this. There was a time she had my back . There were times we were inseparable . There was a time she loved me.
Well, that time has certainly passed.
After sometime time she started to change. At first it was just little harmless comments that could pass on as jokes. Those jokes became snide remarks and those remarks became outright insults and pranks that made my parents think am the evil twin. The only one who sees right through her bullshit is Vera, our elder sister who gave us a one year gap but still holds a lot of authority over us.
If not for Vera,I would have probably jumped up the cliff by now.

"What are those girls still doing?"
Momma screamed.
"Coming mother "the three of us screamed at once, rushing to get the car before my mom started getting murder ideas.

I was not ready for another term with Veronica at all .

Author's note:
    Well, what do you think 😊. This is going to be one hell of a ride.😉.
Well.... this is your main cast. Every other person would be introduced later.

  Victoria-main character.
Veronica-victoria's twin sister.
Vee- the elder sister and first born .
Mrs Vivan- mother.

Please contructive criticism is welcome, but rude characters and behaviors are prohibited.
Comments, votes and shares are very welcome 🥰.


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