Chapter Eighteen

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Mariana’s POV

Staring down at the half-rotted skeleton, I force myself not to scream only because I know that Mom and Dad are still downstairs and I don’t want their nosiness to come butting into the attic. I swallow a lump in my throat and dare myself to open my mouth as I look at my brother and begin to speak.

“I-Is th-that—“

Before I can dare to get my entire question out, there is a sudden flash of light. The entire attic is washed in the bright whiteness as my brother and I are literally thrown off our feet. We are thrown against the wall and I slump against the ground, groaning. I can’t hear or see my brother, but I guess that he is as taken aback as I am.

The flash of white light goes almost as quickly as it came and I blink rapidly in order to get adjusted back to the regularly dimmed attic room. I look up, only to see Niall floating in front of Eric and I. There is a sullen, depressed looking expression on his face.

“So now you know,” he sighs, floating downward and materializing so that his feet touch the floor. He’s only staring at me and seems to be completely oblivious to the fact that my brother is also staring at him. Eric’s jaw is practically hitting the floor!
“Niall…that body…is it y-yours?” I ask him even though I already know the answer.

Confirming my worst fears, Niall nods his head. His gaze is lowered to the ground, as he is no longer looking at me or my brother.

“During the second World War, my brother…well, my brother was always a supporter of the opposing side. He hated America because he missed Ireland…he was seven when we moved here y’know…and he supported anything and everything that had to do with shaming this country. My parents were appalled, especially my father. He threatened to send my brother off to fight in the army. So…so he decided to take revenge before our father could do anything about him.

He had a friend fighting for Japan. I don’t know where or how the two met, but I guess that’s beside the point. Greg, my brother, talked to this friend and they made plans to blow up the house, just to get revenge on my parents. But I…I heard everything.

I was going to tell our parents about what my older brother planned to do, but somehow…he found out that I knew. I don’t know how or when he found out, but he confronted me about it. I refused to tell him about anything, so he started to fight me in order to hear the truth. I tried to fight him off, but…well, it was no secret that my brother was stronger than me. My father was much harder on my brother than he was on me, so he forced my brother to do a lot of intensive labor. Greg resented him for it, but it ended up paying off in the end. Greg was able to overpower me and he…he locked me in the trunk. My parents never came up to the attic so they were never able to hear my screams.

After he locked me in the trunk, my brother made up some bullshit lie that he was going to go on a date with some girl. He left the house and met up with his friend and the two planted a bomb. The bomb exploded. I died on impact…somehow I hadn’t suffocated yet…but my parents…they made it out alive. That was never a part of my brother’s plan. He wanted me to die too of course, but he wanted my parents to die more than anyone.

My parents moved away. I don’t know where, but if I had to guess, I would guess that they went back to Ireland. I don’t know where my brother ended up…I do recall some stories over the years, when real estate agents would try to sell this place and supposedly, my brother moved to some remote country and was never heard from again. But honestly, I don’t know. And that…well, I guess that’s everything.”

My brother and I stare open-mouthed at the ghost boy floating in front of us. It is silent for several minutes, but I finally find the willpower and courage to speak up.

“Oh Niall,” I gasp as I come forward and, somehow, wrap him in a hug. I gasp at the cold chill that goes through my body (it is the first time that I’ve actually been able to touch Niall), but I ignore it. I keep him wrapped in my embrace and, after a moment, he hugs back too.

“Mariana, you—“he begins to whisper something in my ear, but I cut him off.

“I know exactly what you’re going to say and I’ll let you know that I’m not leaving. Whatever happens, I’m right here. And I will help you.” I whisper in his ear, rubbing his back soothingly.

He stares at me for a moment. His eyes are surprisingly blue, which I don’t think I’ve noticed as much as I have right now. I gaze into his eyes and slowly, I lean in. He leans in too and our lips meet, somehow, in a blanket of cold bliss.

“Ahem,” Niall and I are snapped out of our little ‘romance’ as we break away from each other. He’s wide eyed and I sure I am too as we both turn to look at Eric, who has his arms crossed over his chest and he has one eyebrow raised.

“I hate to break this up,” my brother begins. Even though he’s trying to look mad, his cheeks are bright red and I have to bite my tongue so I don’t giggle. My brother was never good with public displays of affection. “But…”

“But what?” I ask him after he’s been silent for about five minutes.

“Well…what’s going to happen now?”

Holy shitcakes, they actually kissed o.O whale, comment and vote if you want!

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