Chapter Eleven

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Slight writers block with this chapter, so sorry if it's not that great!

Mariana's POV

"Mariana, what's your issue?!" Eric demanded as I practically dragged him out of the library. I was holding the book I had checked out under one arm, and was tugging Eric along with me using the other hand. "I wasn't done with my research!"

"You can research later!" I exclaimed. He protested and questioned me as I pulled him down the library steps and practically started sprinting back to the house, but for now, I ignored him. "What the hell is going on?!"

Finally, once we were a little less than halfway home, I looked back at Eric. He looked extremely frustrated and gave me a look that was equivalent to a look somebody would give a person if they found out that the person had killed somebody. He looked like he had just walked in on me committing the most horrific crime in the entire world.

"What the hell is going on?!" He demanded for a second time. I sighed, almost pulling my brother to a stop after running almost the entire way home. He glared at me, obviously demanding that I give him some answers.

"It's a long story," I sighed. I didn't want him to know about Niall. If I did tell him, he probably wouldn't believe me anyway, but I didn't want to take any chances. He would probably think that I was absolutely insane and then he would go to Mom and Dad. And then they would think I was insane and Dad would yell about ghosts not being real, like he had done the first time I claimed that there was a ghost in the house. Then they would probably take me to some fancy doctor or something to get me "checked out" and make sure I didn't have some wacko mental disorder or something.

But if I didn't tell him what was going on, he would get suspicious. He would think I was hiding something (which, I kind of was) and then he would want to find out what I was hiding. He would probably start snooping around my room or something and then he might run into Niall...and there was no telling what Niall would do if he was in the same room with Eric. I knew that Eric wouldn't be able to see Niall since he didn't exactly believe in ghosts, but Niall didn't really come across as a, "Keep calm under dire situations," sort of person. I didn't know if ghosts could have panic attacks or not, but if they could, then Niall would probably have exactly that. A panic attack.

I decided to settle on what I told the librarians back at the library. It wasn't exactly the truth, but it wasn't exactly a lie either. "Sorry, Eric. I just remembered that I have a massive assignment for English due next week and I need to get started on it right away. I promise we can come back to the library later, or you can look up some stuff on the Internet." I suggested.

Eric frowned, looking down at the book in my hands. "What kind of English assignment requires you to read a freak book about demons?" He asked, looking back up at me. I bite my lip, trying to decide on an answer. Finally though, I come up with one and give him the answer.

"We're entering the mythological unit and my teacher believes that mythology doesn't involve just gods and legends, but ghosts and the afterlife as well. We were each assigned a part of mythology to study, and I was assigned the afterlife." I explained, hoping that he would buy the lie that I was telling him.

Eric rolled his eyes. "No wonder you would be assigned the afterlife," he muttered, smirking a bit as he looked down at the ground and kicked a rock along the sidewalk as we walked. I glared at him, wondering what the hell he was talking about when he said that.

"What do you mean?" I frown. Eric looks back up at me, a bigger smirk already forming on his lips. I glared at him, silently demanding for him to explain.

"You're obsessed with that kind of shit," he tells me. My eyes widen and I can't help, but feel slightly offended. What the hell could he mean by that?

"What?" I asked. In response, Eric let out a sound that sounded like a half scoff, a half laugh. I frowned at how weird it sounded, but it was besides the point. I waited for him to speak and explain himself once more and finally, he did. He chuckled before beginning to speak.

"You're obsessed with that freaky shit. I know it and so do Mom and Dad. Remember when we first moved into the house and you ran, screaming to Mom and Dad that it was haunted? Hell, before we even bought it you looked shit up on some fake ass non reliable website and were convinced that some weird ass dude had died in the house and haunted it! Hell, I know that you're still convinced. If you're telling the truth about that English assignment you have to do, then that teacher of yours must be psychic or something because you always love getting into freaky shit like that." He explained. I glared at him, but deep down, I knew that everything he said was true.

There was one thing he was wrong about though. The house was haunted, Eric just didn't believe in ghosts so he refused to believe that there was a possibility that the house could actually be haunted. It was the same with my parents-they refused to believe even the slightest possibility that we lived in a haunted house. But I knew the truth.

"No response?" Eric scoffed, "So you know it's true."

I ignored him. I knew that I was giving him the satisfaction in believing that he was right, but he wasn't exactly wrong so I couldn't really argue about it anyway. I was too busy thinking about Niall again anyway and was soon lost in worried thoughts as Eric and I walked the rest of the way to the house in silence.

As soon as we arrived at the house, I could tell that something was wrong.

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