Chapter Twenty Two

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Mariana's POV

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" My father screams as the black mist, thick as smoke, continues to surround the three of us. Before Eric and I can answer him though, three figures come out of the smoke. The two...are Stephen and Lukas, I presume. They have identical, sinister looks on their faces and their eyes are bright red. A black mist surrounds them both.

The third Niall. He's being dragged by one of the demons and is on his knees. His head is bowed and I think he's crying.

"Let him go!" I shriek at the two demons as I hear Mom gasp. I see Dad try to console her, but even he looks at Stephen, Niall, and Lukas in pure disbelief...and horror.

"She was right," I hear him whisper. I don't say anything in response, though. I'm too terrified to speak.

A low cackling is heard and I slowly realize that one of the demons is laughing. The other takes Niall's arm...and snaps it. Instead of breaking though, like it would if Niall had a skeleton, the arm makes a sort of hissing sound. That's the best way I can describe it. Then Niall lets out a loud shriek of pain as his arm...turns into mist. It completely vanishes.

I scream.

"Don't hurt him!" I scream. I try to get up and run over to him, but before I can even get on my feet I feel a sudden burning sensation down the side of my leg. I scream again, even louder than the first time, as the blood starts to roll down my burning leg and I collapse. Dad grabs me as I fall, preventing me from hitting the ground. Sobbing, I crawl closer to him, needing somebody to comfort me.

Niall, who still only has one arm, looks up as I scream. His face is full of pain, pain that I know I've caused. If it weren't for me, these...these demons wouldn't be hurting him. It's my fault.

"One step closer, little girl," one demon cackles, "and Casper the Friendly Ghost here will find himself in his own personal pit of hell."

"You see," the other demon sneers, "with every limb we snap, the more he lets go of this dimension and the closer he finds himself to Hell. Soon, this pathetic excuse of a ghost will become one of us. Allow us to demonstrate."

I'm blinded by my own tears as I watch the two demons snap Niall's other arm. He cries out again and that arm, like the first, also disappears into a puff of mist.

"Please, stop!" I shriek. Even though my mom, dad, and brother are right here next to me, I feel like I'm alone, all alone, as I watch this horror story unfold.

"Just three more snaps," the same demon cackles, "and he will burn."

Out of the corner of my eye, as I watch this horror show, I see my brother scoot closer and closer to one of the cartons. I don't know what the fuck he's doing, all I know is that I can't let Stephen or Lukas see him.

"Y-You're just bluffing," I force myself to spit out, trying to hide the shakiness in my voice. "You can't really hurt anybody."

"Oh, can't we?" They both snicker and sneer. Suddenly, I hear Mom let out a bloodcurdling scream and snap my head over to look at her. She has a long gash right above her left eye and its bleeding heavily. Her eyes are squeezed shut. I'm about to open my mouth to say something, but instead I open it to let out another scream. They've slashed me too, right in the same place they cut Mom. Immediately, my hand flies up to try and cover it as I look over at Eric. What the hell was he trying to do?

When I look at him, I see that he has old photographs spread out all across the floor. I'm not sure how nobody else has noticed him. He's looking at the back of one photograph and his lips are moving, but I have no clue what he's saying. I can't hear him at all.

Apparently the demons can, though.

"Hey!" One demon snarls, "put that down!"

Suddenly, Eric begins breathing heavier and he begins bleeding in several different places. I have to bite my lip to keep from screaming for a third (or fourth?) time. However, Eric remains calm. Whatever he's saying suddenly becomes louder and louder as he continues to look down at the photograph. He seems to be completely ignoring the fact that he's bleeding everywhere.


Suddenly, another two snaps are heard. In a panic, the demons have broken Niall's two legs as Niall screams in agony.

"YOU FOOL!" One demon screams.

"BOBBY HORAN, MAURA HORAN, I SUMMON YOU HERE, NOW!" Eric literally screams, making me cover my ears and squeeze my eyes shut.

Everything is so

And then...

Everything goes silent.

I think this chapter is a little short, I'm not sure, but I like where I ended it xD only a few chapters left! Comment and vote if you want!

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