Dancing Together (Jack Harkness)

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"Bugger off, would you? We're having a moment." & Dancing together.

Words: 863

A/N: Jack is kinda ooc in this one, and this whole thing is basically just the locked-in-together-trope. Enjoy 


The lock on the door clicked shut. The Doctor had told you to stay put while he went to sort out gods-know-what, and when you and Jack refused to leave him he'd shoved you into the nearest room and slammed the door behind him.

"I'll come back for you, I won't be long! Promise!" The Doctor shouted as he ran off.

"Doctor!" you yelled, "Get your arse back here right now or I'll steal your coat!"

"You'll have a job, he's in love with that coat." Jack chuckled, "Always has been."

You sighed and leant against the wall. You were trapped in what looked like a storage room- there were stacks of boxes littering the floor and a few shelves in the corners. 

"You haven't got a torch on you by any chance, have you?" you asked. The darkness was thick, and you could barely see your hands. 

"No. But I bet there's one in here somewhere."

You heard him move across the room and jumped at the loud bang that followed. "Sorry," he shouted, "Just me. I dropped a box."

"Jesus, Jack. You scared me."

"Aw, what? You weren't even a bit concerned?" he asked in mock offence, pausing for a few seconds before adding in falsetto, "Oh, Jack! Are you alright? I don't know how I'd live without you!"

You dismissed him with a wave of your hand, exhaling amusedly. 

The sound of a match striking its box reached your ears and the room was flooded with warm light. Looking around now, you could see that the boxes were wooden crates full of wax candles- Jack had found a matchbox on the shelves and lit one, extinguishing the flame with his boot afterwards.

You walked to the nearest crate and sat down, swinging your legs off the edge. 

"So..." he began, sitting down next to you.

"So..." you replied in the same tone.

"Dance with me," he grinned, extending his hand. Though it was still dim, you could make out his body from the way the candlelight hit the edges of his suit.

"Jack, there's no music," you said plainly.

"Come on, humour me. It's not like we've got much else to do." 

He grinned his signature charming smile and you caved, shaking your head at him, "Ah, alright," you said, and laced your fingers with his. He wrapped his arm around your waist, closing the gap between you, and he hummed contentedly, resting his head on yours.

"I don't think we've ever done this before." you felt him mumble. He began gently swaying on his feet, rocking you side to side.

You glanced up at him, "No, I don't think we have." 

The room was silent, save for the gentle footfalls caused by your rocking. Jack cleared his throat and you jumped, before giving a silent laugh as he began to hum something from the fifties.

Elongating his arm, he twirled you around his finger, smiling and kissing the top of your head as he pulled you back in.

"I can't believe The Doctor left us here." you mumbled, looking down. It wasn't out of character, so to speak, it was just a little surprising.

"I'm not complaining. I'm quite content like this."

"Hm," you nodded, "Maybe you're right. It's much more peaceful without his constant rambling." 

He laughed a little and nuzzled your hair.

Eventually, you went back to swaying, Jack having ceased his humming a while ago. The air was cold despite the candles he'd lit, and you were grateful for the heat that he provided- you were sure your hands would've gone numb if it weren't for him being so close. As if he'd read your mind, he relinquished his hold on your waist, using his free hand to cup your cheek. His brows creased a little as you leant into the warmth of his touch, and he pulled you flush against him, carefully tucking you under his jacket. "You're freezing," he said, holding you close.

You hummed in response, too busy appreciating the warmth of his chest to reply properly.

"You've got no sense of self-preservation. Honestly, X/n." he tutted.

You glanced up at him disdainfully before snuggling back into his coat, "You can talk," you said, voice muffled by the fabric. 

"Touché." he laughed breathily. 

You thought you would've liked to have stayed the way you were for a while longer, basking in his body heat, but you were interrupted by the sound of the Doctor's sonic.

"Enjoying yourselves?" you heard him ask, not bothering to bring your head out of Jack's coat. You didn't have to look at him to know the face he was pulling.

"Yeah, thanks." Jack replied.

"Did you even notice how long I was- ? You know what, I don't care. Back to the TARDIS, both of you. There's stuff to do."

"Oh, bugger off for a bit, would you Doctor? We're having a moment."

"You can have a moment when you're back on the TARDIS. Come on." 

Friendly reminder to vote if you enjoyed this. It means a lot to me x

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