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Author's Note: This one-shot was written as a final school project from earlier in the year. It is not technically canon nor is it part of an AU. It is presented as it was originally written with some minor edits for errors that have been spotted since the school year ended. 

Nearly three years ago, he had done the unthinkable. Now, her day had finally arrived. A blue sky as clear as the purest crystal spread over the universe above. She glanced up at this crystal sky through a window as she walked into a large room.

"Are you ready?" A soft, familiar voice spoke as she entered and exhaled. The woman turned her head to the keeper of the soft voice, and a tan doe was found with a sweet gaze.

The doe took her paw, lightly grasping her ashed glove with her blackened hoof, then took her over to a partitioned area of the room with a full body mirror at its center.

As they walked, the canine looked around at the stone walls and structures of the room, her eyes glancing from a red stone wall encasing a window and its equally stone sill to the golden light dancing softly throughout the room. The amounting beauty of her surroundings pierced her fur and began to fill her with the gift that nature was bestowing on her. Arriving at the partitioned area, the canine looked at her reflection in the mirror, unchanged from her normal appearance.

The canine woman was a jackal, with semi-rough, ashy fur covering all but her ears, muzzle and the tip of her tail. The fur that she bore in these locations was varied between a soft white and a bright silver and was inconsistent with its feel. Her gold eyes, with a dimmer shading than one would normally see in the eyes of a woman her age, scanned the reflection with a discreet intensity as she took her long, silver hair down from its usual ponytail and watched it spread out without any sort of design or pattern. Removing the ashy gloves from her furry paws, she then stood before a more visibly vulnerable form of herself, eyes glued to the scars etched into her paws and low arm. These scars were the hallmark of her kind, her race within her own species. She was so different than others who had reached this day and these marks on her paws only reminded her of this. This day didn't exist in her kind, but of a kind that wanted nothing to do with hers.

"...Brynnley?" She began to the doe, unable to shift her focus from her marked paws, but was met with a reply before she even asked.

"Amara, none of them are anywhere near here. The only people here are the ones who love you." Brynnley took her paws and she felt herself being drawn into a hug. "Now, let's get you all ready, after all, it's your wedding day!"


Amara had never experienced half the things that the doe had done to improve her appearance, nor had she realized that most women used so many electrical things! As Brynnley skillfully curled her long hair, Amara examined a purple blow dryer with immense curiosity.

"Aaaannd.... There. We're done." Brynnley stepped back. "Look towards me, okay?" She then stuck her tongue out to the side of her mouth as she pointed her thumb as if she were a painter and evaluated the hair-do in her head. "Looks great! Now let's get you dressed." She said to herself as she stood Amara up and began to help her with the dress, veil and other accessories.

A short while later, Amara was once again looking at herself in the mirror and almost didn't recognize herself. Her now-curled hair draped graciously over her bare shoulders and her natural figure complemented with a slender gown that bore a multi-layered bottom and tail. On her head was a similar, multi-layered veil that began with a crown of lush pink roses, with the outfit finished by several simple jewel bracelets and small heels on her bottom paws. "Is this me?"

"Yep!" Brynnley placed her hoofs on Amara's shoulders and smiled.

Not long after, the two heard a knock on the door. "It's open!" Brynnley declared, another jackal walked in. "Lusk!" Brynnley declared with an overjoyed lift. "Is it time?"

Lusk, an older male jackal in his early sixties, nodded with a huge smile. "Yes, I'm here for my daughter." Amara walked up to him and took his paws in her's, and he was stunned. "Amara, is that you?"

She nodded. "Apparently."

"You're beautiful..." He held his arm out for Amara to latch her's onto. "You ready, my daughter?"

She put her arm through his. "I believe I am."


As she walked down the aisle with her father, Amara felt herself becoming overwhelmed. She knew that her groom loved her immensely, and the ceremony was quite small due to extenuating circumstances, but she could feel everything welling up within her. She was stunned with the beauty of the outdoor ceremony, as few plants grew in the canyon where she had grown up.

When she saw her fiancé turn to look at her, she thought her heart was going to stop. In an instant, everything that was overwhelming her disappeared and she thought she was going to cry out of joy. As they approached the few small steps, Amara felt her father's arm release hers, him giving her over to her fiancé. She gracefully stepped up the three steps and stopped right beside the love of her life. She cast a glance over at him and he also glanced at her.

He looked wonderful, with his dark blue suit and his hair, which was also long, combed nicely. She'd never seen him looking so... civilized.

Both of them turned back to the priest and waited. Once the priest cleared his throat, the two turned towards each other and held paws.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Infinite Jackal and Amara Primrose in holy matrimony." The priest began, glancing from Infinite to Amara. Returning his gaze to Infinite, he continued his words. "Do you, Infinite Jackal, take this woman, Amara Primrose, to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding onto her in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer for as long as you both shall live?"

Infinite smiled and seemed as if he was about to cry. "I do."

The priest nodded and turned to Amara. "Do you, Amara Primrose, take this man, Infinite Jackal, to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding onto him in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer for as long as you both shall live?"

She nodded, tears already leaking from her glittering eyes. "I do."

The priest held out the rings to the couple. "Infinite, please place the ring on Amara's left paw."

Infinite took Amara's paw and slid the ring on.

"By placing this ring on her finger, you do this as a sign of your love, that you have chosen her above all else. Now, Amara, please place the ring on Infinite's right paw."

She did so, and the priest replied, "By placing this ring on his finger, you do this as a sign of your love, that you have chosen him above all else." The priest turned more towards the ones eagerly watching. "You both have stated your intent, you have declared your commitment and have exchanged rings, there now leaves one thing left to do." His voice raised for proclamation. "By the power vested in me, I now officially pronounce you husband and wife. Infinite, you may kiss your bride."

Infinite pulled Amara closer and dipped her before pressing his lips to her's. Once they touched tears of joy spilled from Amara's eyes. They pulled back and the priest proclaimed to their friends and family.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor and privilege to introduce to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Infinite Jackal!"

Lusk clapped his hands together and wiped tears away while Infinite and Amara walked back down. Being an informal ceremony, their friends surrounded them instantly. All of them laughed and cheered for a while as they celebrated together.

As the crowd finally allowed them to walk off, Infinite and Amara wrapped their tails together, walking not only to the next part of the night, but into the next part of their lives; together, forevermore.

*Note: The wedding introduction, vows, ring exchange, proclamation and any other dialogue from the priest belong to the public domain.*

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