5. Awake

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Ashley had her head rested on Chris's shoulder as her eyes were closed.

She was still awake, but her eyes just wouldn't stay open.

If she tried to open them, they would just drift shut, so she had decided to give in and just close her eyes.

She moved her head slowly so one cheek could lay on Chris's shoulder. One ear was pressed to him so she could hear his heart beat. It was slow but loud.

Chris put his arm around Ashley as he put his head to side and shut his eyes as well.

Everyone in the reception area was exhausted. None of them had gotten any rest.

Emily, who was across from them, was already asleep with her head rested on her shoulder as she quietly slept.

As Chris was close to falling asleep, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Excuse me sir." Someone whispered to him.

He looked up to see the receptionist above him.

Chris adjusted his glasses as he looked at Ash, who he thought was still asleep on his shoulder.

"Your friend, Josh. He's himself again. And he's awake as well." The receptionist explained.

Chris's eyes widened as he nodded and slowly lifted Ashley's head so he could get up.

She opened her eyes and was met with Chris's as she held his hand and got up with her arm there for Chris if he needed it as support.

"Where is he?" Chris asked the receptionist. She pointed down the hallway where Jess was.

"He's across from your other friend." She responded.

Chris nodded as he looked at Ashley and grabbed her arm as the pair made their way down the hallway.

Ashley thought of waking Emily but she looked tired even while she was asleep. Plus she had been through more then Chris and her had.

Chris limped down the hallway with Ash right beside him.

"You think he's still off his meds?" Chris asked.

Ashley shrugged. 

"Didn't Sam say she found his phone down under the lodge?" Ashley asked.

Chris nodded. "There could've been some of his other stuff down there that Sam and us just didn't find." Chris explained.

"This is it." Ashley said as she pointed to the door. Chris opened it quietly as the two walked in.

"Josh?" Chris called out.

Josh looked up from his notepad as he smiled and waved at Chris and Ashley.

He wrote down on his notepad.

"Hey Cochise. Hey Ash."

Ashley and Chris read it and both looked up to see a waving Josh in front of them. Chris smiled slightly and nodded at Josh but didn't say anything.

Josh's smile faded as he realized.

"I'm so sorry. For everything."

He wrote. Chris looked up at him. "Josh- I- I get it okay? But you could've come to us. Any of us. And we would've helped you."

Josh nodded at Chris. He mouthed I'm sorry to Chris as he looked down at his lap.

Ashley shoved Chris a little as she helped him get closer to Josh.

"It's okay man. It's alright." Chris said.

Josh felt Chris's arms go around him as his eyes widened.

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