6. Out

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The next morning Emily woke up to see Ashley and Chris both sleeping on the chairs with their arms tangled in one another.

She rolled her eyes as she got up to head to Josh's room. She wasn't sure why she wanted to go in there again. She had no reason to this time, but she didn't need one did she?

Emily shook her head as she quietly opened Josh's door. He looked up as she entered.

"Oh, you're awake." Emily said as she shut the door behind her.

"That a bad thing?" Josh wrote.

Emily smiled. "Not necessarily." She replied.

She walked over to sit on his bed once again. "How's the throat?" She asked him.

"It feels the same. Hoping it gets better soon but I doubt it." Emily sighed as she laid on her back and let her legs stay off his bed.

Josh looked at her and saw her eyes darting around the ceiling.

He started writing on his pad again.

"What's up with you? You seem weird."

Emily smirked at him. "Well you would know what weird is since you're into- whatever it was that you were into." Josh breathed out of his nose as he smiled.

A common way of how he laughed. Now that he was quiet it resulted in being his only way of laughing.

Josh shook his head. "Still a bitch." He wrote and held it up in front of her face as she was still looking up at the ceiling.

He dropped it on her chest as she gave him a look.

"You know, I was going to say I like you better as a mute, but not if you drop this thing on me." Emily said as she shook it at him.

Josh smiled as he tried to grab it from her.

"What if I just took this with me? Your only way of communicating." Emily suggested as she got up to start walking to the door.

Josh waved his hands and shook his head no.

Emily smiled as she handed it back to him and sat back down with him.


Ashley was the next of the group to wake up. She carefully got up as to not disturb Chris and asked the receptionist for a coffee instead of just grabbing some.

She turned back to Chris and saw that Emily's chair was empty. Ashley shook her head and smiled as she realized where Emily was.

She grabbed a cup for Chris as well and set it next to him. If he didn't wake up soon it would get cold but Ashley would just reheat it.

I wonder what's going to happen now. Ashley thought to herself.

Are we going to all go get a hotel room somewhere? We'd need money. But we each need jobs to get money considering we have none.

Ashley thought about it. And then thought about what they would each do.

Chris could be a writer, Emily might be a good teacher if she could actually tolerate kids, Matt could be a football coach. Jess, Ashley admitted she had no idea. Mike and Sam had their own issues to work on, Ashley could see.

And she- she had no idea what would fit her.

She took a sip of her coffee as she tried to think about it but she had nothing.

She shrugged as she turned back to the coffee machine to see Matt putting two mugs back.

He rubbed his eyes sleepily as he turned back around.

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