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Maxon's POV...
We just got back from Carolina tonight. America isn't her self. She seems very solemn. She walks around with a straight almost cold face. She doesn't say much. She holds herself taller. America doesn't even have the same sparkle in her eyes anymore. I don't know whether if it is the loss of her dad or if we killed her brother or if it's a combination of both. It could even be something else.
The next morning in Maxon's POV...
I sneak into America's bedroom in the morning and lay in bed with her. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her neck. "Good morning love, " I whisper. She just picks up her hand and waves it a little. She gets up. "Where are you going?" I ask. "To get dressed, " she says.

She gets dressed and puts a small silver tiara on with a black dress

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She gets dressed and puts a small silver tiara on with a black dress. Her 5 maids come in to do her hair and makeup. She just sits there and doesn't say a word except for thank you when they are done. Her maids scurry off when they finish. "America dear are you alright? You don't seem like yourself, " I inquire. "I'm fine, " she says coldly. I walk over and hug her. "I love you dear, " I say. "Please don't call me that, " she says softly. What?! She asked. Oh my goodness. What's wrong with her? "I have to get changed and go to work darling, " I say. She nods. "I love you, " I say. I kiss her and leave.
America's POV...
I still feel absolutely terrible. My dad is gone and my brother too. I walk out of my suite and down the hall. "Your Highness, " Officer Wright says and bows. "Yes?" I ask. "The King requests your presence in his office, " he says. "Very well. Thank you, Wright, " I say. I walk up to his office. "You wanted to see me?" I inquire. "Yes. Sit, " he instructs. I nod and sit. "I heard your brother was killed, " he says. "Yes." "Why?" "He was a southern rebel and if we let him live and anyone found out it would cause an uproar. I dealt with him the same way we would to any southern rebel." "I see. Well, I must praise you for that. That was a wise decision. You were thinking about what was best for all of us. I assume that still must hurt. Did you fire the shot?" "No sir a guard did." "Which one?" "I don't want him to get in trouble." "He won't I want to reward him." "Aspen Leger sir." "Thank you." "You may leave." I bow my head and leave.
Maxon's POV...
"I need the officers that are closest to America, " I tell the general. "Of course your highness, " the general says. "All right men who are the closest to the princess?" the general asks. Tanner, Aspen, Griffin, and Brandon come over. "We are, " Aspen says. "Alright go with the prince, " the general says. We go to my office. "Alright guys something is wrong with America. We need to figure out what and make her feel better, " I instruct. "Agreed, " Aspen says. "She seemed upset when she found out her father died but it wasn't until killing Kota that she seemed weird, " Griffin says. "I think you are right Griff, " Tanner says. "What do we do though?" Brandon asks. "Any ideas?" I ask. "What if we throw her a party, " Brandon suggests. "I don't think so, " Aspen says. "What if we all have a fun get together cooking. We could goof off. Make her laugh. I mean she does love to cook, " Aspen says. "I like it! Does everyone agree?" I ask. They all nod. "Griffin could you ask America?" I ask. "Sure, " he says. "Meet in the kitchen at 5:00 sharp, " I instruct. They nod and leave.
America's POV...
I'm literally just walking down the hall when Griffin comes running up to me. "Whats wrong?" I ask panicked. "Oh nothing. Will you meet a few of us in the kitchen at 5:00. We are going to try to make some dinner. It'll be a blast!" he says. "I really don't feel like it, " I say. "Please, " he begs. "Fine." Maybe I do need something to take my mind off of it. The rebel alarm goes off. Griffin takes out his gun and tells me, "Run!" I don't. I open up an emergency panel and I grab a gun. I start firing at rebels. Griffin doesn't have time to tell me otherwise. When the attack is over we are both fine and I took down a lot of rebels. I'm shaking profusely. "America? Are you okay?" Griffin asks. "No I'm not okay." "Whats wrong? Are you hurt?" I shake my head my eyes welling up. "Whats wrong?" I fall to my knees and I just cry. "America please tell me what it is, " he says sitting down. "Do you want Prince Maxon?" he asks. I nod. He motions to another guard to get him. A few moments later Maxon comes running but all I can do is cry. "America I'm here. What's wrong?" Maxon asks. He squats in front of me. He grabs my hands and holds them. I look at him. "I-I practically killed him. I killed my own brother. I pretty much pulled the trigger myself, " I cry. "No Americ you did that right thing. I know it hurts sweetie. There isn't much you can do now. If he wasn't killed he would've killed you or continue to kill people. It'll be okay. Isn't that something you always tell me?" he says. I nod. I stop crying and I pull myself together. "Ready for dinner?" Griffin asks. "Yes just let me go change real quick." I run off to change. I then run down to the kitchen to find Tanner, Brandon, Aspen, Griffin, and Maxon. "Well this will be something, " I say. "It certainly will, " Tanner says.
Maxon's POV after the cooking nightmare...
So we had a lot of fun cooking. Most of it wasn't half bad. It seems as if the America we know and love is back. She has a pep in her step. She's goofy again. She's happy. She even has that twinkle in her eyes again. "It's raining Maxon! It hasn't rained in ages!" America exclaims. "Come on!" I say. I pull her towards one of the places I have yet to show her, the roof. "Where are we going?" she asks. "Youll see!" We finally get to the door that leads onto the roof. I open it and let her walk out first. "Oh my goodness!" she exclaims. She walks into the rain and just twirls around in it. She rushes over to the glass fencing that's around the edge. "Its beautiful!" she says. We slow dance in the rain for a little bit. She wraps her arms around my neck and I put mine on her back. She tilts her head staring into my eyes. "Ive missed that glimmer in your eyes, " I whisper. She just smiles. "I love you, " she says. "I love you too my dear, " I say. "Don't even start, " she says. "Ive missed that too, " I whisper. She kisses me. We don't stop for a few minutes. When we pull away we the rain stops and we go down the hall and we stop in front of our suite doors. "You liked it?" I ask. "I loved it!" she says. "Now say you love me, " I say. "Nope!" she says playfully. She runs into her suite and I chase after her. She goes into my bedroom and I once again pin her against the wall. "Say it, " I say. "I don't feel like it." "I will get it out of you." "I highly doubt that." "Have it your way." I smirk. She got away too easy last time this time she shall say it. I kiss her hard. I don't move for a few moments. Then I kiss her jawline. I can hear her breathing hitch again. She moans. I kiss her neck. "I-, " she starts. I smile. I pull back to look at her. She smirks. I keep kissing her down her neck and I make my way back to her lips."I---Love------you, " she gives in. I smirk at her. "Happy?" she asks. "Very." "I love you, darling, " I say. "I love you too."

Like the chapter? Let me know in the comments! Please vote! And as always I'm looking for ideas promise you'll get credit. Love y'all! Also shoutout to @kittymeowmeow157 and @daugular01 for your dedication, comments, and votes to and for my story. Love y'all!

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