Unexpected 💣

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          It comes like a bombshell
   but then you could never had tell
       Unpredicted, Unexpected
    that's just how life tends. -Zavi

Mum,Dad, i said trying hard to hide my sadness.
'Admission is no longer in process'

   Joanne are you sure, mum asked worriedly.

Yes mum i checked, i went to a cyber cafe in town. I even called aunty linda.

Linda..., my dad asked confused.

Yes aunty linda, the one i stayed with when i went for my post utme.

Ookay, my dad said finally remembering while my mum took in the information.

  Joanne don't worry you'll register next year and by the grace of God next year won't pass you by, my dad said soothingly.

I don't know why the educational system is so corrupted in this country, you passed your jamb and post utme well, so why didn't you get admitted, mum said addressing no one in particular.

It's because of the high rate of tribalism and bribery in this country, my dad said bitterly

Mr fashorun said he spent up to seventy thousand naira before his son was granted admission and that's apart from the main school fees.

It's either you know someone with authority or be ready to spend.

Joanne don't worry, just pick the school where your uncle Sam lectures, in your next jamb form, mum said trying to cheer me up.

I'm not worried mum,  I guess I'm not meant to enter school this year, i said faking a smile as i went to my room.

And just as I was about to let out my pent up feelings,  someone barged into the room and who else if not princess.

   "Are you crying ", she asked rather to loud.

No am not, i snapped 

You were crying, she affirmed,  did dad scold you, she asked.

That pissed me off more "will you just shut up", i said.

Fine joanne, she said stressing on the anne. 'But this is my room too and i want to stay here'.

I just glared at her, daring her to say another word before i slammed the door and went out.

Princess is my kid sis. I'm three years older than her, she started calling me plainly by name since a month ago.

When i and my elder brother  had a quarrel and i renewed my promise to never call him 'bro micheal' as he was only one year and some months older than me, so he should'nt expect too much respect besides he didn't deserve it.

My younger sister who is always on his side immediately said she'd also stop calling me 'sister joanne'.

I made it clear i didn't care afterall dad named me joanne not 'sister joanne'.

That did it everywhere and anywhere, she calls me joanne without blinking twice.

And now am kind of pissed, am  older than her with three years not one.

It might sound weird but my family is that kind of family that values respect between siblings, never have my parents bought things for us without asking for the first born to pick first and if the first born is not around we get to wait.

Even our pocket money differs according to age.

Thank God, i sighed with relief, nobody in sight so i sat down and let it all out.

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