Chapter 36: A Sword For A Rose

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“I love her, and that’s the beginning and the end of everything.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

Hope could feel her heart beating strongly within her chest. It wasn’t racing; it was more like a steady drum beating out a rhythm, but every now and then there’d be a beat that gets missed and she could feel her heart jump. That was the nerves talking. They were ever present this evening; buzzing fingers curled around her heart, ready to squeeze and deliver a shock to her system. But she would prevail, and she would fight on.

She let her one leather-gloved hand float down to her hip where it would rest on the hilt of her sword which was sheathed and resting against her thigh. Her other hand moved to her neck where she adjusted the black material around her throat that separated her skin from the light silver chain vest she wore. It was long enough to be belted around her waist and then to fall below her hips where it met with the thick black leggings she wore on her legs. Light alloy-plated leather boots reached up to just below her knees, while more of these costume-suited plates of armor sat strapped around the outside of her arms and onto her shoulders, as well as over her chest and abdomen. The costume was simple and light and easy to move in, and some engraved floral designs on the bright alloy plates made it perfectly suitable for a lady to wear. There was no helmet, allowing Hope to keep her hair straight and free-flowing down her neck and around her shoulders, the cascade of auburn in perfect contrast with the silver of her outfit.

She looked kind of hot, even if slightly masculine. But she was pulling it off like it was meant for her.

The knight.

The hero.

“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” – Aristotle

Lizzie helped her sister insert the final curls she wanted into her hair, making sure they fell just right in the softest manner down to frame Josie’s beautiful face. Her makeup was done with just the right amount of smokey shading to her eyes and blusher to her cheeks. Her lashes were long and dark, while her lips were full and the color of good wine. Her dress was royal and yet gentle in various shades of steel blue, gray blue, and midnight blue as it fit around her in soft layers of satin and chiffon. Her bodice was dark and fit snug to accentuate womanly curves, while leaving her upper back, shoulders and arms exposed, offering delightful views of glowing olive skin. The bodice sat, laced and stitched with golden thread that sparkled when it caught the light, right to her hips as it showcased the fitness of her long, lithe body, and from there the material sprouted in layers of different hues of blue to flow like a fabricated waterfall to her ankles and some tips beyond there. Her heels were short, but sharp, and golden as it laced across her dainty feet in straps.

She looked the very essence of what a princess – a queen – should be and was bound to stop a few hearts that night.

On the outside she shone like a shooting star streaking across the darkened sky, but inside her chest she felt more like the impact of a comet hitting the ground of her heart. She didn’t know what to expect. She didn’t even know if Hope would show up at her door or be waiting for her at the entrance to the hall. She wasn’t sure whether Hope would buy into any of this at all. She had no idea where she stood with Hope… but she was hopeful. If anything, this night the ball was in Hope Mikaelson’s court and Josie felt like she was just along for the ride. Still she would hold onto that hope that she felt deep within that somehow, this night, would rewrite the stars for them.

“The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing.” – Blaise Pascal

MG had already picked up Lizzie from the Saltzman room 20 minutes prior, leaving Josie to pace back and forth nervously as she waited on Hope, unsure whether she’d show up. Lizzie had promised Josie that if she got to the hall and Hope was waiting there, she would send her up to the room. And if after a while neither of them were at the dance, Lizzie would come back to find her, but swore she’d not leave her alone. She also told Josie, reassuring her, that she had a good feeling about Hope not letting her down either way.

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