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     The sun had already begun to set by the time Rainpaw and the elders returned

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     The sun had already begun to set by the time Rainpaw and the elders returned. Beetlespeck carried a branch of pine needles, while the other two carried bundles of pansies. While they'd been gone, he had heard Stormbristle trying to calm down Scorchmask, who was still sobbing in the apprentices den.

"If you want to go help with Scorchmask, you can leave the rest to me," Hemlockfoot told Rainpaw.

The tom shook his head. "I need to get used to losing everyone I care about. This is just the first of many deaths I will face."

Hemlockfoot nodded. "If you need to leave at any point, you can. I won't hold it against you."

Rainpaw nodded. Slowly, his gaze drifted from his mentor to his sister. "Why didn't you try to do anything?"

"She was already too gone. She would've have survived much longer either. I rather she stop suffering earlier."

The blue-gray tom nodded once more. Solemnly, he left and went to join his father and mother. Cats have begun to gather around, and while Scorchmask was still crying, she seemed to have calmed down a little more. She would likely need chamomile or goatweed later depending on what was available.

Molestar stepped out from his den, his fur groomed nicely and posture held properly. This was not his first vigil, and likely not his last. Over the course of his leadership, Molestar had made vigils more ceremonial and peaceful than they had been in the past.

"I would like everyone to gather around. The sun has begun to set, and Morningpaw along with our other deceased clanmates will be watching over us now," Molestar announced.

     Owltuft padded over beside her leader. The deputy was groomed equally well. Although her eyes seemed to be filled with grief, her posture did not change at all from the usual prideful stance she held.

     "I, Molestar, call upon StarClan to watch over this young she-cat while she is with them. I would call her an apprentice, but as we all knew, she would have been a warrior soon. She has worked hard to serve ShadowClan and has trained hard to understand your noble code, so I ask to give her a warrior name in return. From this point onward, Morningpaw shall be known as Morningdaisy for her kindness, innocence, and loving nature. May StarClan accept her and treat her with absolute kindness."

"Morningdaisy!" called out Rainpaw, grief seeming to hover over the words.



Hemlockfoot joined in the cheers, thankful to see Scorchmask and Stormbristle had joined in. As the cheers died down, Flintpaw stood up from her spot and came up beside the leader.

"Morningdaisy was my best friend. She was the kindest cat I have ever met. She always put everyone else before her own needs. During this entire leaf-bare, I had hardly seen her eat because she wanted the elders to have something. I'm going to miss her, but I always know she'll be there to watch... to watch..." The apprentice's voice began to trail off, turning into a sob. "... To watch over us."

Buzzardstripe, who had been Morningdaisy's mentor, came up beside Molestar as Flintpaw walked away. "Morningdaisy was my first apprentice. She taught me how it feels to pass on my knowledge and how fun it is to live a little. She was always striving to do her best, and no matter how much trouble she caused, she never complained about pulling ticks off the elders. I'm so proud of her, and I hope she knows that."

As Buzzardstripe walked away, Rainpaw came up to stand beside his leader. The tom looked down at his sister, his breathing seeming to come out more ragged. "Morningdaisy and I had always joked about who would get their name first. I always knew she would beat me, but I never expected it to be like this. I love her so much, and talking about her now hurts so much. I am thankful that I can speak with StarClan though. I know she'll be waiting for me next time I go to the Moonpool. I can't wait to see her healthy and happy again. Bloodcough is dangerous, and although we haven't really dealt with it until now, I am thankful she didn't suffer for long like some cats have. She deserves peace and happiness... Morningdaisy, if you're listening to me right now, I want to let you know that I will never let your kindness die. You may have passed on, but I will try my best to continue where you left off and treat everyone around me as kindly as I can."

As the vigil slowly came to an end, Hemlockfoot could feel himself getting more worried. Not just for the grieving cats, but for himself as well. He knew how and why Morningdaisy had died and yet he still wanted to eat her earlier. Maybe he still did.

The tom nosed his way through the few remaining cats. He'd be moving her body now. Typically it was done as the sun began to rise, but the medicine cat didn't want to risk anyone getting sick. He was probably too late though considering they had even held a vigil for the new warrior.

"I'll be taking her now," he said, slipping past Flintpaw and Stormbristle.

Scorchmask threw herself down on Morningdaisy's her pelt bristling and eyes filled with hatred and grief. "Stay away! You're not taking her from me!" she cried.

Hemlockfoot backed away, slightly frightened by the she-cat. "Scorchmask... Please..."

Stormbristle came up beside his mate and gripped her scruff, tugging her away from the body. Scorchmask writhed around, hissing and spitting in frustration. "Stay away from her! You can't take her from me! I can't lose her! Stay away from my kit!"

Stormbristle let go of her and held her close with his paws. The mother pressed her face into his thick fur, crying heavily, demanding him to not let Hemlockfoot bury her kid.

Hemlockfoot gripped Morningdaisy by her scruff and began to gently pull her from the camp. He didn't dare look up as he heard Scorchmask begin screaming once more, demanding he not bury her kit. Demanding he not put her into the filthy ground to rot away. The tom had other plans for Morningdaisy though, and he knew Scorchmask would rather her kit rot away in the filthy ground than what he planned to do with her.

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