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     Rainwhisper awoke that morning to find the sun shining and snow had melted. Many days had passed since the last meeting at the Moonpool and it was obvious to him that leaf-bare was over.

     "It took long enough," he told himself as he looked around the camp. "All the elders said this one was much longer than the others."

Owltuft approached the young tom, Ashclaw and Fennelpaw trailing along behind her. The two didn't seem too thrilled about whatever Owltuft had in mind.

"Is this about them playing on the RiverClan border?" Rainwhisper asked, eyeing the two cats.

"Indeed it is. Glad you remembered. Are you busy at all?" she asked.

Rainwhisper shook his head. "Not that I'm aware. I was going to go look to see if any herbs have grown though."

"Actually," Hemlockfoot butted in, "I was going to be working with him today. I have some things I want to teach him."

The blue-gray tom eyed his mentor. It had been such a long time since Hemlockfoot had been this happy and relaxed. Perhaps the new weather was bringing back the happy tom he once knew. It was almost too good to be true.

"What else is there to learn?" Rainwhisper asked him.

"I was thinking of going over poisonous things. Also I wanted to show you how to sneak around Twolegplace to get some herbs."

"Good!" Owltuft laughed. "Fennelpaw and Ashclaw could tag along. Maybe it'll teach them where they really belong."

Fennelpaw let out a loud groan. "I didn't realize that they own the entire stream! I should be allowed to play in the water! It's so hot outside now!"

"And not once did you consider what would happen if RiverClan came over? Did you forget what they did to your Clanmates?"

"It's been moons since that incident," Ashclaw pointed out. "Plus, nothing bad happened, so there shouldn't be an issue."

"You're going with the medicine cats. Make sure to help them carry whatever they need to bring back," Owltuft ordered before marching off.

"Talk about annoying," Ashclaw grumbled, turning to the medicine cats.

Rainwhisper sighed. "She's just looking out for you two. We can't be antagonizing RiverClan more by scaring off all their fish."

Hemlockfoot nodded. "Alright, can we go now? I have so much to share."

•   •   •   •

     "This is usually where I see deathberries growing. I also know that as we get closer to Twolegplace, there will probably be more poison hemlock. Avoid it at all costs, Rainwhisper."

     Rainwhisper nodded. It seemed ironic to him that a medicine cat, someone who is supposed to heal, would be named after such a lethal plant.

     "What happens if you eat it?" Fennelpaw asked, clearly interested.

     "It kills fast. Usually results in seizures, paralysis, drooling, and other things. I've never witnessed anyone die from it but I have heard rumors of ThunderClan cats accidentally eating it many moons ago. Not sure if they survived or not."


     Ashclaw cuffed his apprentice over the ear. "That isn't cool! That's terrible!"

     Fennelpaw rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, elder."

Rainwhisper let out a small laugh as Ashclaw grumbled to himself. Hemlockfoot didn't seem very interested in their conversation though. Instead, his eyes seemed to be fixed on the path ahead of them.

"Is something wrong?" Rainwhisper asked him quietly.

Hemlockfoot shook his head. "Nothing is wrong. Just thinking about the future. You're going to be an amazing medicine cat one day."

"Of course I am! I have you as a mentor," he laughed.

The older tom smiled faintly but it quickly vanished as they reached the stretch of land between the forest and Twolegplace.

Long stems of hemlock seemed to reach into the sky, with their white flowers beginning to bloom. The stems, with streaks of purple on them, looked tempting to chew. That's a terrible thought though. I'm not sure Hemlockfoot would even be able to help me in time if I ever ingested some. He's too happy now to be dealing with any of that.

"The thunderpath is up ahead. Keep watch and stay close. Whatever you do, do not stop running when we cross," Ashclaw warned his apprentice.

Fennelpaw nodded. "Has anyone ever been hurt crossing it?"

Hemlockfoot nodded. "It's how we lost my father. He panicked and Molestar didn't get to him in time. Accidents happen and we need to prevent them to the best of our abilities."

"It looks clear," Rainwhisper announced.

"Run!" Ashclaw yowled before pelting across, Fennelpaw close behind. Hemlockfoot and Rainwhisper followed quickly, careful not to trip.

As they reached the first twoleg nest, Hemlockfoot turned to them. "I want you two warriors to watch out for any danger. Tell us if you see anything concerning nearby. Rainwhisper, follow me."

The two medicine cats leapt onto the wooden fence, looking around and below for signs of dogs or other cats. A fluffy white cat was resting in the twoleg nest nearby, watching them closely through narrowed eyes.

"You seem out of character," Rainwhisper said.

"What do you mean?"

"You seem so happy. Relaxed. Is something wrong?"

Hemlockfoot shook his head. "I feel better than ever. Now, catmint usually grows here, so you're going to want to come here more than other places when searching for it. The twoleg doesn't seem to mind me, I remember one time it scratched my ears and seemed to enjoy my company."

"So you're just going to be a kittypet now?" he laughed.

"How dare you!" Hemlockfoot replied, pretending to be offended. "I am a skilled medicine cat. I know where my loyalties are!"

The two toms joked back at forth for what felt like moons. Rainwhisper knew it was too good to be true, but what he didn't know was what was awaiting him in the near future.

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