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Hemlockfoot could not see not hear anything. All he felt was the icy grip of the lake around every part of him. Normally, a cat would at least try to fight the water and stay afloat, but Hemlockfoot had no desire to do so. Perhaps the world would be better off without cats like him that murdered and ate others.

     The tom felt something sharp grip his scruff. Perhaps it was hypothermia setting it. Or maybe it was an underwater monster. Or, if he was lucky, perhaps it was someone saving him.

     Luck seemed to be in his favor. He didn't know who his savior was, nor did he have any intentions of helping them save him. He didn't feel the need to do anything in this situation.

     The tom felt himself hit the ground seconds after reaching land with his savior. He rolled over, his eyes weak and water clinging to his pet.

     "Morningdaisy...?" he asked weakly, looking up at the glowing she-cat.

     The StarClan warrior didn't have any expression in her voice or on her face. "You need to stop what you're doing."

     Hemlockfoot coughed. "Am I sick?"

     Morningdaisy didn't answer him. Instead, her already fuzzy outline had begun to fade away. What replaced her was the shaking figure of Firedapple, who seemed to be frantic and cold. Hemlockfoot assumed she had been the one to save him. Beside her was Crowshade, who didn't seem pleased at all about the situation.

"Hemlockfoot? Are you alright?" Firedapple asked.

"Where is Morningdaisy?" Hemlockfoot asked weakly.

"Let's get him to Rainpaw," Crowshade grumbled. "Can't believe our own medicine cat is stupid enough to go running into the lake. You're lucky we were here to rescue you, otherwise you'd be feeding all those fish!"

Hemlockfoot stood up, his legs wobbling below him. He was lucky that Firedapple had gotten him before he inhaled any of the water. Otherwise he probably would be joining StarClan, or the Dark Forest, very soon.

"Get me home..."

"Cedarpaw, go warn Rainpaw that his mentor fell into the lake and will likely need medical assistance," Crowshade told the nearby apprentice.

     Cedarpaw nodded before rushing off. He had grown into one of the Clan's quickest runners, and despite his bitter personality, Hemlockfoot was rather fond of him.

     Firedapple and Crowshade both supported Hemlockfoot between them and slowly made their way back to camp. Hemlockfoot didn't see a need to be getting help, as he could walk decently on his own, but he didn't bother arguing. He was too nervous about Morningdaisy and what she had to say to him to argue with anyone.

     "Why'd you even run into the lake?" Crowshade asked coldly. "Didn't you hear us?"

     Hemlockfoot sighed. "Not important. Just get me back to camp."

     Firedapple frowned. "Why were you asking me if you were sick?"

     "Just get me back to Rainpaw..." he trailed off.

     The rest of the walk was cold and silent. The medicine cat could feel Crowshade's annoyance hanging in the air around him. He was thankful that the tom's sister had become deputy and not him. Owltuft was far nicer and understanding than her littermate. She'd make a good leader one day.

     Rainpaw was waiting for Hemlockfoot when the cats arrived. He brought Firedapple to the den as well, telling her she needed to be dealt with before she caught a cold. Hemlockfoot collapsed in his nest, trying his best to drown out the worried voice of his apprentice.

     "What were you thinking?" he asked as he sent away Firedapple, turning to Hemlockfoot.

     The tom looked up at the blue-gray apprentice. He felt sick. How would he explain why he'd done what he did? Surely Morningdaisy scolding him wasn't something he should tell the apprentice, especially since it would mean revealing what he did.

     "I'm sorry..." Hemlockfoot meowed. "I wasn't thinking."

     He felt like Rainpaw was his mentor as the tom continued rambling. "What if you'd have died? What if Firedapple and her patrol hadn't been there in time? We can't be losing anymore cats when we already have this epidemic going around! I can't lose you too!"

     Hemlockfoot looked away, his pelt burning with shame. The apprentice had a point. Part of him wished he'd have drowned though. It would mean he wouldn't have to feel so guilty and it would mean the world was safe from him.

     "I'm sorry," he said once again, rolling over to face the wall of the den. "Maybe I have bloodcough."

Rainpaw began to lick at his pelt, rubbing it the wrong way to try and bring back some warmth. "Do you?"

Hemlockfoot sighed. "I don't know. I feel sick and confused. I feel like I can't eat but at the same time I could swallow a badger whole."

The blue-gray tom swatted at his mentor's ear playfully. "Until you're choking on your own blood, I don't think you have it."

The tom wanted to tell him there was more to it, that it had more signs than just dying, but he didn't dare raise anymore of a fuss. He just wanted to rest and maybe even dream of Morningdaisy so he could speak with her once more.

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