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     It felt like it had been seasons since the tom had last been to the Moonpool. The snow had slowly begun to thaw, leaving the ground mushy and wet. Despite how cold this night was, Hemlockfoot could feel the warmth of new-leaf creeping into his mind. New-leaf meant new beginnings, new growth, and most importantly, it meant he wouldn't starve.

     "Who are we waiting on?" Hemlockfoot asked as he arrived.

     Wavestorm rolled his eyes. "Leave it to ShadowClan to be late again."

"Let's get started," Briardash announced, ignoring the RiverClan tom. "StarClan has to help us."

Ah, yes, StarClan. Will they be angry with me? Will they tell everyone what I did? Hemlockfoot wondered.

"Wait, first, I have something to announce!" Hemlockfoot stammered.

Everyone looked at him. Wavestorm especially didn't seem pleased and looked as if he'd ignore him.

"Rainpaw has been training with me for many moons. I believe it is time he receives his medicine cat name."

Rainpaw's eyes lit up. It had been a while since Hemlockfoot had seen him so joyous.

"I, Hemlockfoot, medicine cat of ShadowClan, call upon upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help he will serve his Clan for many moons. Rainpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?"

Rainpaw nodded. "I do."

Hemlockfoot thought for a moment. He didn't actually have a plan for the young cat's name. In the distance, he could see Morningdaisy frowning at him with Petalheart beside her.

"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Rainpaw, from this moment you will be known as Rainwhisper. StarClan honors your truthfulness and compassion, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of ShadowClan."

Hemlockfoot rested his muzzle on the tom's head. Rainwhisper licked his shoulder in return.

"I'm so proud of you," Hemlockfoot whispered to him.

"I'm glad," Rainwhisper responded just as quietly.

"Rainwhisper! Rainwhisper!" the cats cheered.

Redpaw rushed over to his friend and cuffed him gently over the ear with his paw. Rainwhisper smiled, his pelt seeming to glow with happiness.

Hemlockfoot nodded to Briardash. It was time to face StarClan. The cats settled down slowly, and Rainwhisper looked as if he wouldn't be able to control himself.

The tom rested his nose against the water, a shiver running up his spine at the chill. No matter the weather, it was always this cold. He didn't particularly enjoy it.

"So you did show up," said a voice as Hemlockfoot opened his eyes.

"I had to, Petalheart. As much as I would have liked to, I can't avoid this."

Rowantail stalked over, his eyes seeming to blaze with frustration. "You shouldn't be here. Get out!"

Hemlockfoot flinched, backing away from the WindClan warrior. He knew that everyone would be upset, but this felt a bit too unreal.

"I-I'm sorry!" he gasped as Rowantail got closer.

The tom felt himself falling into darkness. Slowly, the brightness of StarClan seemed to fade away, leaving him surrounded by blackness. He felt himself land harshly on the ground, and he looked up to find the sky seeping with red and gray. This was the Dark Forest.

"Where am I?" he asked, wondering if anyone would actually answer.

Hemlockfoot found himself standing face to face with himself. The Dark Forest tom stalked around him, lashing his tail. Bloody foam fell from his mouth, and his looked as if they would burst from his head. Blood soaked his paws and chest and muzzle. It was a grizzly sight.

"You did this to me!" the tom screeched as he sprang at the real Hemlockfoot.

Before he knew it, pain seared through his stomach. The Dark Forest version of him had begun to eat. He screamed, thrashed, and kicked, but nothing seemed to do anything.

He awoke in a panic, gasping and flailing about. Without checking to see who else was awake, he rushed off to the side and felt his previously eaten mole begin to creep up his throat. He hunched over, vomit seeming to spring forward from inside him.

"Are you... okay?" Redpaw asked, blinking away his sleepiness as he approached.

"Star away from me!" he hissed back.

The WindClan apprentice frowned. "Sorry..."

"Rainwhisper, we have to go back to camp. I don't feel good," Hemlockfoot growled as he quickly stormed past the new medicine cat.

Without another word, they trailed back to camp. Hemlockfoot took the lead, not caring where he stepped or who he alerted. He didn't feel safe anywhere now.

If StarClan truly was planning to send him to the Dark Forest, would there actually be a point in trying to redeem himself? The least I could do is go down to the Dark Forest being feared. Survival of the fittest is the rule down there.

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