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Celaena Sardothien could not believe what was happening. Sat in a small cabin of a ship, she gripped the hem of her tunic tightly - bewildered, and slightly nervous.

My name is Celaena Sardothien, and I will not be afraid. They wouldn't have rescued me otherwise.

The shadow who had carried her finally took off his cloak - then the mask.

There was a heartbeat of silence, longer than a heartbeat yet still a heartbeat of pure silence where time and the world stopped.

And then time began once more as her eyes fell upon that face, Celaena began to weep.

'Sam,' she breathed. 'Sam. Sam. Sam.'

'Celaena,' he said.

She staggered into his awaiting arms - and he was too slow to realise what she truly intended to do as she drew his dagger - and plunged it towards his heart.


Enya shot forwards, faster than any of them could have anticipated, shoving Celaena out of the way.

Sam staggered backwards, stunned. Shocked. Hurt.

Celaena sprawled to the ground, dropping the dagger. Rolled to her knees instantly, stared wildly at both of them with the air of a panicked, feral animal, gaze darting about the cabin.

Then she curled into a ball, hugging her knees to her chest. 'Why? Why are you so cruel? This is a trick - this is a dream. It's not real,' she cried in a soft voice.

Sam crouched down. 'Celaena. Celaena. It's me. It's really me.' He was beyond horrified that Arobynn had managed to break her this far. He was here and alive, yet Celaena still refused to believe it. But he kept his face a mask of gentleness, for he did not want to panic her any further.

'I was never rescued. I will wake up. And I will be in the mines.'

'Celaena,' he whispered. 'Celaena, it's me. My name is Sam. Sam Cortland.'

'It's all a dre-'

'Real. This is real.'

She shook her head, but he took her fragile hand and held it gently but firmly.

The distrust and despair in her eyes began to thaw.

Slowly, she wrapped her arms round his neck. 'I missed you.' He heard her broken sob as she buried her face into his chest. And he drew her in tighter, clutching her as if this were the first and last time they were to hold each other like this.

'I missed you, too,' he murmured, heart beating faster and faster with every thump, thump, thump.


After what seemed like an eternity later, Celaena finally drew away. 'I missed you,' she repeated. She was still uncertain as whether this was all an illusion created by the little sanity left within her.

Sam laughed softly and kissed her brow gently - and at the touch of his lips that sent a spray of sparks down her spine, she knew it was real.

He was real; he was here. They were together again - a future she'd never imagined possible.

But she suddenly remembered-

Celaena snapped her head round to stare at the masked feminine shadow stood still and silent by the door.

Sam followed her gaze and his hand, so familiarly calloused and warm and soft, entwined with hers.

'Look,' he began, and she could tell he was almost worried to tell her this, 'you have to believe us now.'

'Who is us?' Celaena asked, dreading the tension. It was so thick and tight that she could reach out and slice it in half with a knife. 'Who is she?'

Sam clasped the back of his neck with a palm - he was definitely nervous, then.

After some unspoken signal, the woman drew back her hood.

And Celaena felt her heart skip a beat.

'You're... me.'

The woman smiled.

'Not quite,' Sam said. 'Listen, Celaena. Trust me.'

Celaena bit her lip.

So Sam said, 'Her name is Enya. And she's your sister.'


Celaena scrambled away, and gripped the dagger tightly. 'I don't have a sister. Get out. Get out,' she snarled.

Sam walked over to her, and wrapped his fingers round her hand. 'Lower your blade, Celaena.'

She may have been weak, but her hand didn't quiver as Sam tried to force it down. 'No. I don't have a sister. And Sam Cortland is dead. Get out.'

Enya began to speak in an undertone, giving a choice to whether Celaena wanted to listen or not. 'My name is Enya Ashryver Galathynius. I was born to Rhoe Galathynius and Evalin Ashryver after my twin, Aelin.'

Celaena stopped struggling, and fell silent, the only sounds audible was her ragged panting and Enya's murmur. 'We have two cousins, Aedion and Galan, though I have yet to see either of them. We were separated soon after birth and I was taken to the Red Desert. I trained there until I was thirteen.

'Now, we are both seventeen. I have searched for you for four years, Aelin. But it appeared we both hid our identities - making my mission all the more difficult. But then I found Sam - and now finally you.'

Celaena dropped the blade. 'I-'

Enya stepped forwards and took Celaena's chin in her hand. 'You are my sister, Fireheart.'

Sam had never heard that name before, yet it performed an unseen magic and seemed to thaw the icy barrier. 'I believe you,' Celaena finally whispered.

Sam ran his fingers through her matted hair. 'We're going to Wendlyn because we are not safe as long as we remain in Erilea. The Southern Continent was too far from-' he caught himself as he was about to say Endovier, as he didn't know what the mention of that place may have done to Celaena, 'from North Oakwald, and if we went to Terrasen... there would be no one to go to.' She could tell he had tried to soften the blow, but Celaena still flinched.

'Why are we going to Wendlyn?' Her gut clenched at the thought. At the thought of having to face...

Her hackles rose, and Celaena wished that they weren't on this boat. But it was too late to turn back.

Enya said, 'We are staying in Wendlyn until Aedion finally returns to Rifthold - which should be a couple years from now.'

Celaena didn't try to argue any further. She was too tired to, anyway.


They arrived at Wendlyn safely with no confrontation on the boat. Hidden under thick cloaks, Celaena and Enya followed Sam through the port; he was less likely to be recognised, so he didn't need the hood. But the sun seemed to taunt them, rather than shine with welcome, it glared into their backs, and Celaena felt fresh blood and sweat rub together and ooze down her back.

A sudden wave of dizziness washed over her, and she felt quite faint. Enya was already there, pressing her shoulder into hers, and Celaena eased her weight onto Enya, uttering a groan of thanks. Sam turned his head.

'I'm alright,' she muttered. Then, after a moment, 'Where are we going?'

'We're finding an inn. We need to find a place to rest before we continue to Doranelle.'

Doranelle. City of Rivers.

She only gave a weak nod as they trudged onwards, the summer sun searing into their backs all the way.


exams are over but there's still so much homeworkㅠㅠ

anyways sorry this chapter wasn't particularly exciting but oh well

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