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Sat in with her two newfound companions in front of the fireplace, Celaena swirled a spoon round her porridge continuously. Luxury was something she wanted - but did not need. All her dresses and favourite jewellery and cosmetics were still in her apartment in Rifthold - which they'd be returning to in a couple of years. She was stuck here with the tunics and pants they provided here for her and nothing else - but Endovier had taught her to be grateful with what she had, so she didn't say anything.

And anyway, after devouring half the bowl of porridge, she'd rushed straight to the toilet to deposit the contents of her stomach. She wasn't used to having so much food - though she longed to just eat and build up her old body, and get rid of this sack-of-skin-and-bones.

No one had come to fetch them for training yet - giving Sam enough time to explain everything that had happened since she'd gone.

'I was locked in the dungeons. Wesley got me out. I owe him so much - and he's dead now.'

No need to guess who was responsible for that death.

'How about the Guild now? Surely Arobynn wouldn't have just let you-'

'Arobynn is no longer alive,' Sam said quietly.

It took her a few seconds to grasp his meaning completely.


'I killed him,' Enya spoke up from where she stood by the window, gazing outside with her temple resting on the cool glass pane.

For the first time since Endovier, Celaena truly felt triumphant. Hearing Arobynn was gone...

The door swung open.

They all leapt to their feet instantly, gripping their weapons.

Another Fae male that wasn't Rowan sauntered in, chuckling. The sound was unnerving. 'You think you three can last against me?'

Enya wrinkled her nose. 'Time for training, I presume?'

Celaena looked closely at him. The male was, well, beautiful; there was no other way to describe him. His hair was black - black like a starless night, his glinting onyx eyes travelling over each of them in turn - holding Celaena's gaze.

'Yes,' he said finally.


Rowan, expression no different from previously, waited for them by the base of the fortress grounds. He dipped his chin in acknowledgment of the other Fae male.

Sam gazed warily at the both of them. 'Who are you?'

Celaena knew. Like Rowan and Fenrys, Connall was another member of Maeve's Cadre.

Enya muttered softly, 'They're both purebred Fae warriors blood-sworn to Queen Maeve of the Fae. Rowan Whitethorn, whose beast form is a hawk and controls ice and wind, and Connall Moonbeam who takes on the form of a black furred wolf. He is able to winnow short distances.' She added, louder, 'They brood an awful lot, too.'

Rowan's icy mask didn't shift.

Connall cocked his head. 'You called my travelling winnowing.'

Enya mirrored his movement. 'Should I not have? I know my facts, so to be honest, I'm surprised a male such as yourself is unable to name their magic for what it is.'

A selfish part of Celaena wished she was the one with the knowledge - that she was the one receiving all the attention, but another part was very much enjoying Enya belittle these two warriors. She was too tired to muster the energy to act up. Perhaps, a few years ago when everything had been different, she'd be the one mocking the males.

Connall obviously did not know whether to be flattered or pissed off, so his next actions landed somewhere in between. 'Let's see if this mouth of yours is as brilliant as your combat skills.'

Enya shrugged, and for that alone, Celaena begrudgingly admired her audacity. 'I'm ready.'

Connall, despite having made a name for himself as the Black Wolf, seemed much more lighthearted than Rowan. Celaena saw the corners of his lips tug upwards as he said, 'I quite like this one.'

Rowan had not uttered a single word. He stepped back to clear a path to the grassy plain beyond him.

Enya and Connall made their way to the centre.

Three heartbeats passed, three heartbeats of studying and planning and predicting, then they moved.

Connall struck first, a slow, predictable move. It appeared he was going easy on Enya. 'Bastard,' Enya growled. 'Why are you holding back?'

His eyes flashed at the insult. And then he disappeared - only to appear behind Enya a heartbeat later.

She ducked from instinct, bare knuckles grazing her ear by millimetres.

Fae were fast - undoubtedly faster than humans - yet somehow, Enya seemed to be matching Connall with equal strength. It was like watching a wolf and an asp fight.

Some moves Celaena recognised. Others were... new and unpredictable from both fighters. She wished she could fight that well - but surely a mere year in the mines and a pickaxe shouldn't have taken that large a toll on her combat skills!

Connall danced forwards, feinting low only to strike high. Enya smiled and evaded the slice with the speed of a cobra. And Connall kept advancing, a never-ending onslaught of limbs.

What kind of training had Enya received before if she was able to hold her ground with a Fae warrior for so long?

But then-

One second was all it took.

Something happened in that moment, too fast for Celaena too see, but then Connall was ducking and slamming an elbow into Enya's stomach and grabbing her hair - and then the assassin was pinned against the warrior's chest, a dagger held under her throat.


the more interesting stuff will come eventually . . . just bear with me . . .

hope you doing well :D

i'm literally living the life here in my bedroom with my phone and snacks and minimal socialising

i'm halfway through the hobbit - if anyone who's read the book series, is it good or worth continuing and which order do i read it all in?

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