Chapter 14

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Jake's POV (OoOOOOo!!)

I grab Lia's arm and pull her into my room, her trying to escape my grasp. "Ssshh Lia, its only me!" I harshly whisper, and suddenely I feel a stinging sensation on my cheek.

My sister doesn't know it's me. Great.

"Lia!" I roar and she stiffens under my hold. I switch the light on, rubbing my sore cheek, "Was it that necessary to slap me?"

She giggles, "Sorry, I thought you were Calum."

I clench my jaw at the mention of that assholes name. I need to have words with him. Michael explained to me last night what had happened and I ended up breaking stuff..

He hurt my baby sister, and he needed to pay.

"So, why'd you kidnap me?" Lia says, breaking me out of my own little trance. I smile, she was going to be pleased with this news.

"Well, I was thinking," I start, curiosity growing in her green eyes, "You're probably in need of some female company." Lia nods furiously.

"So I rang mum and talked about it and she said that one of your best friends would be coming over.."

Lia's face is priceless. She was copping on to what I was saying.

"Tarra will be joining us in Ita-" I can't finish my sentence, her arms were wrapped around me so tight I almost couldn't breathe. "Jake! Thank you so so much!" She yells, kissing my cheek. It made me happy to see her happy. We are very close.

"You're welcome, you'll see her tomorrow night at the hotel in Italy." Her smile grows and she pats  my back, "You're a great bro."

We hug again and leave the room, the boys sending questioning looks at Lia. She's practically jumping around like a kangaroo.

Lia's POV

Tarra was joining us on tour?! How great is this! I definitely could do with female company. God, Jake was an amazing brother.

All the boys are staring at me, bar Calum. It takes me all my strength to not go over and slap the shit out of him, but I'm better than that.

"My best friends joining us in your tomorrow!" I exclaim, their faces relaxing into smiles at my elated state.

"Thats great! She better be hot," Michael winked. Luke nodded in agreement, "I call dibs."

"Muke seriously, shes gorgeous. But shes not a toy, and she's as fiesty as I am," I smirk and the boys gulp.

Jake puts his arm around my shoulders and flashes his toothy grin at everyone, "Who's ready to get their ass kicked at the carnival?!"


*Next Day*

This flight better go fast, I thought to myself. I couldn't wait to see Tarra. She was due at our hotel at around 8pm. She was secretely a Luke girl, and we would always talk about our Lashton fantasies.

I'm seated between Michael and Ashton. Michael's mad at me because I'm currently kicking his ass at Flappy Bird.

"Thats not fair!" He moans, hitting his head against the chair, " Why are you so good at this?"

I ruffle his newly dyed green hair, "Practice, my pikachu, practice."

He mumbles something and takes the phone off me, giving the game another go. I take this time to glance back at Luke, Calum, and Jake. Luke is inbetween the two boys to stop Jake from killing Calum. I feel bad, I should have volunteered to sit with Jake.

"Lia," Ashtons whispers. I look at him. He looks gorgeous. His curls were tucked neatly into a red bandana and his fitted tank top already had me drooling.

"Yes, Ash?"

He smiles at his newly found nickname, "Wanna listen to music?"

I nod, taking one of Ashton's earbuds and putting it into my left ear. I rested my head on his shoulder, slowly drifting off into a light sleep while listening to All Time Low


I wake up on a chair in the airport. I jump up, startled. I hear someone chuckle and I scream.

"Lia, calm down," Ashtons laughs and rubs my back. I sigh in relief, then hit him on the back, "Don't scare me like that again," I growl. Ashton looks scared, and I suddenely have an idea.

I get up and begin walking away from him. I look back to see him with a look of sadness on his face. I rush back over, plant a kiss on his cheek, and run off again.

"Tease!" He shouts and I smile, satisfied. I meet the other lads after few minutes, avoiding Calum. At the carnival, he kept chatting up other girls infront of me, and Jake literally had to be held back my Luke and Ashton to calm him down.

Ashton joins us after a while and I slip my hand into his warm one. We call a taxi that brings us to our hotel. I check my phone,

7:36pm. Tarra would be here soon!

We check in at reception and the lady gives us a key, checking out Ashton the whole time, and while she wasn't looking, I gave her my midde finger. I'm not sure what me and Ashton are, but we aren't nothing.

"Welcome to the crib!" Michael exclaims. I tackle him on to the couch and begin tickling him. He's extremely ticklish and I find it cute.

"Lia, stop!" He giggles, and I get off him. He smirks at me "I'll get you back, Mills."

We leave our bags to the side, deciding to sort them out later.

We talk about complete rubbish. Calum decides to join the conversation and I swallow my pride. We were friends before this after all.

Suddenely the door bursts open, and Luke's jaw drops. I already know who it is.


A/N: aloha you sexy people. Looks like Luke's gonna be whipped very soon;) school starts again tomorrow, kms...

Vote and comment loves! Leah xx

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