Chapter 37

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Tarra's POV

"You're what?"

Ashamed is an understatement as to how I am feeling right now.

"Lia, it wasn't intentional. I didn't even think about the consequences.."

"So you're saying you didn't use protection?" The shock in her voice is evident.

"Yeah.." I trail off, feeling like the biggest failure known to the world. Does my best friend even think low of me?

"Tarra," she starts, taking my shaking hands in hers. "Not using protection was not a good move, obviously. But I'm your best friend and I will never leave you. Its not certain you're pregnant, but if you are, I'll support you."

I collapse with relief in her arms. Despite the fact shes my best friend, I felt like there was still a massive chance she would be dissapointed in me.

"Thank you," I sob/smile into her chest, and her body vibrates with a light chuckle.

"You're welcome. I love you kiddo."

"I love you too, child."


I wake up in Luke's warm embrace, his blonde head resting in the crook of my neck. His light snores echoed through out the room. I don't feel like waking him up from his slumber, but I have to.

"Luke, you need to get up," I whisper gently, shaking his arm in an attempt to wake him up. He groans, turning away from me.

Oh, you wanna play, Hemmings?

I smirk to myself and pounce on top of him, landing with a thud on his naked torso. His eyes shoot open.

"Tarra!" He whisper-yells.

"I told you to get up, Hemmings!" I giggle, laughing at my boyfriend trying to cover his eyes.

"Tarra, just cuddle me like the nice teddy bear you are. I'm feeling deprived," he whines.

Ladies and gentlemen, the possible father of my child.

"Luke, we need to get up now. Lia made us an appointment with a doctor to confirm if I'm pregnant while she sees her mum."

Luke removes his hands from his gorgeous blue eyes, both of them sparkling at me.

"I might be a dad."

He gives me such a warm smile that butterflies are fluttering in my stomach. Its like we met for the first time.

"Yes, Luke Robert Hemmings. You might be a dad," I smile through the tears clouding my vision.

Luke pulls me into his arm and plants a kiss on my head. If I could freeze this moment, I would without hesitation. Everything seems so perfect.

"I love you so much, T."

"I love you Lukey."

Just as I'm detangling myself from Luke's bare body, Alyx bursts through the door, a panicked look on her face.

"We need to go. Now."


The car halts sharply in a parking spot, Lia wasting no time in jumping out of the car and sprinting to the doors.

As I was trying to wake Luke this morning, Jake got a call to say his mother was rushed into emergency surgery. I would have done anything to take away the pain from his and my best friends faces.

Lia's POV

"Where is my mother?!"

I am currently standing in the middle of a corridor, begging any passing doctor or nurse for information. All of them so far have told me that they aren't treating her after I told them her name, and I am growing impatient.

Suddenely, I see a middle-aged looking man running towards me, a clipboard in his hand. He looks stressed.

"Lia and Jake Mills?"

Only now I notice my older brother's presence behind me, and I nod.

"Come this way."

He turns back the way he came, us following him. I quickly take out my phone, sending Tarra text to inform her whats happening. I honestly feel like puking.

I want to know how my mother is.

We turn a corner and my heart falls into my stomach when I see my father's face paler than usual.

I immediately run to him and envelope him into a hug. He responds straight away.

"I've missed you," I sob into his chest.

"You too, kid. More than you know."

I let go and leave him to talk to Jake. I have no idea how mum is, and although I wanted to know, I think I'm now scared to know.

The doctor who escorted us has left, but I hear Jake saying that he'll return in a minute with more information. So all I can do is fiddle anxiously with my fingers until he comes back.

"Her heart rate just dropped so fast this moring," Dad says quietly, my nausea levels raising to an all time high.

"Oh god.." Jake groans and rests his head in his hands.

We stay silent for a moment, then the sound of rushing feet can be heard and our head snaps up to see the familiar doctor making his way towards us.

"It's not good news."


A/N: I really liked writing this chapter. And I decided to add a little cliffhanger at the end hehe;)

Dedicated to lukes_penguin_5sos shes been waiting a while for this and I hope you like it. Go check her profile out!

And can I just say, the amount of reads this book has gotten over a short period of time is beyond me. A million thank you's to everyone, I love you!♥

~Leah x

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