Chapter 4

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~~~~~~~~At the cafeteria... ~~~~~~~~~~

Yukki p.o.v

I'm so exhausted with those guys. Why don't they just leave me alone. Wherever I go they always keep they eyes on me like I was a celebrities or something. It's make me feel uncomfortable wherever I go. After I get my lunch boxs, I try to find Ran and the other to join the lunch time with them at the cafeteria.

"Yukki-chan, here. We here's. " shout Ran while waving her hand at me. I when to them and sit in front of Sera.
"What's wrong miss popular, you look exhausted? " ask Sera while smirk at her. I saw that she make fun of me cause of the boys was trying to hooking me up early at class.

"It's nothing, just never expect be attracted like this. " sigh her after she answer Sera question. Ran and Sonoko giggle trying not to laugh while Sera jush chuckle. "Why you guys laughing? You guys so mean. " she said to them and give them the sulking face.

They can't take it anymore, they laughing so loud as loud as everyone in the cafeteria looking at them. When they noticed that they being watched, they stop laughing. "You know that you so cute whenever you do that face? And you know that whenever we walking together at our school, all the boys was looking at you? You're so cute. You know that? " explain Sonoko to her and everyone was nodded wit agree. "I don't know that. But I do know that when we go to school or walking to the cafe everyone was looking at me like this too"she replied it to Sonoko and thinking about it more deeply.

"I jealous with you, you know. I'm the one that wanted to be attracted by them. " said Sonoko with sighing.
"I hope you not because it kind of creepy. It's like being stalked by pervert" she warn Sonoko to be more careful.

"Don't tell me that you already been experience that? " Sera shock and ask with anxious. "Exactly yes, I being stalked 2 days ago and already solve that thought "explain her to them. They were in shock with those news.

"What? Why didn't you tell us about it? " exclaim them to her with anxious look. "I don't want you guys worry and get hurt cause of me and the police already caught them"she explain again to them and they sigh.

"You know Yukki-chan, after we know that you are Shinichi adopt sister. We so shock and Yukiko-san said your remind her to Shinichi cause your personality look alike him. That why she adopt you. After we heard that, not believe much cause we still can't move on with Shinichi death. But after we know you, we believe that. So we want to treasure you more and we don't want to lose you either like we lose Shinichi. So we hope that you trust to us for a little bit to be part of your life. Please. " explain Ran and the other give an warmly smile to her.

She wided her eyes after hearing does confession. Her start to tear but she hold it and nodded while smile them back with the warmest one. And they been silence for a while.

"Ma, ma, at least we got an issue to talk about. We gonna hurry up for the challenge game in 5 minit. " remind Sera after she break the silence. "You're right, gotta hurry finish the lunch."said Ran after looking her watch for awhile ago. Then they continue they lunch.

Kaito p.o.v

He was seating at the behind Yukki and her friend seat at the cafeteria.
He listen to they conversation and got for one that he also in shock. He don't believe what he heard. He didn't expect that's, he also being down for awhile and start to focus another conversation about Yukki.

When they were about to leave, I saw her from a far walking with her friends but I don't know why my heart can't stop beating so fast, it like about explode. Then I saw Akako was staring at her with devilish look. "You staring at her about 10 minutes. You didn't plan to do something to her aren't you? " he asked with annoying looking to Akako. He saw Akako was smirking at him and walking away from him.

'What this witch think to do to her' said he in his mind.

I go back to my class and see her and her friends were talking to Aoko. It look like there's having a fun conversation. "Ah, Kaito your late. We about to start the game" said Aoko with cheerful face. "What game we gonna do today? " ask Kaito.

"It's the challenge game, so you just challenge someone to be part of your game. That's all"said Shuu explain to the class. "Then I want to challenge Kurozawa-san if you don't mind"said Akako with her confident to win. "I don't mind, what's the challenge?" Yukki replied and except Akako challenge.

"The challenge is simple Kurozawa-san. It's just fashion show. Who the one can get highest mark from the judge. It's the winner."Akako trying to explain her game to everyone in the class. "Okay, I accept it. But for the loser, she has to wear the outfit until school over. Deal?"said Yukki. "Deal" Akako replied and everyone can't wait to see who the winner.

Time skip and the winner is Yukki...

Nobody p.o.v

Everyone shouting and cheering at her and Akako was daze off while shock for the result. As the promise the loser has to wear those outing until the school over.

Kaito was really amazed to see her with those dress, it's really cute. He also realize that she is really look alike Shinichi and start to agree about the conversation that they spoke at the cafeteria early. It's very familiar, her experience, her smile, her personality the same as Shinichi. 'Just who is this girl' he think in his mind.

~~~~~~~~time skip for 2 days~~~~~~~

"Rannn"shout Sonoko at Ran and to walking to her while she's walking to train station from Ekoda to Beika. "What's wrong Sonoko? " ask Ran when she look at Sonoko with happy expression. "KID-sama send the advantage notice again"excited Sonoko when the topic about her favourite thief. "Heh, when it's happen? " ask Ran curious.

"I don't know. The notes is to hard ever Hakuba-kun can't solve that"said Sonoko when she take out her cellphone to show Ran the copy of notice. "How about you show to Sera-chan? Maybe she can solve it" said Ran try to give her an idea and then saw Yukki walking to them."What you guys looking? " ask her. "Ah, KID-sama send the advantage notice but it's to hard even Hakuba-kun can't solve it."explain Sonoko.

"Can I see it? " ask Yukki and Sonoko give her a look. "Hmm it's easy, it's said on the July 13. He came to steal the 'Crystal Blue Angle' at 9:45 p.m after the party that occur by Suzuki Jirokichi at his place"said Yukki while explain her deduction.

Ran and Sonoko shock for awhile after Sera came. "Wow, thanks Yukki. You really same like Shinichi-kun. I have to mail this to my uncle about the notice. Ah, and also you guys were invited to this party. Make sure you guys come, the party start at 8:00 p.m. Alright! See you"off Sonoko after they arrive at Beika.

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