Chapter 5

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KID p.o.v

'I thought my plan is gonna be perfect. Everyone cheered happily to magic show even Nakamori-keibu and the police task force easily trapped to his trap and successfully steal the gem tonight. But why this is gonna happen? ' said him in his mind while trying to hold his pain at the shooting place and he breath heavily until then he pass out.


"WAIT KID! THIS TIME I'M GONNA CATCH YOU AND PUT INTO THE JAIL" shout Nakamori-keibu trying to catch the international thief with whatever he could.

"Hahahahahaha. You can't catch me Nakamori-keibu and the 'Cristal Blue Angle' is already in my hand. Also I appreciate that everyone willing to see my show tonight. Well look at the time, unfortunately it the last show today. We will see in the next illusion. " said KID and throwing the smoke bomb to them and disappear.

"Dammit, find him"curse Nakamori-keibu and order the police task force to find KID.

KID was running through to the rooftop while escaping from the task force and the trap that they set for him. Finally he arrive at the rooftop, than he place the gem that he stole early to the moon and he sighing heavily.

"This not the one either"he said and replace the gem into his pocket. After that, he someone was coming outside from shadow walking to him. He turn around and find Snake smirking at him while pointing the gun to him.

"Well, well what a nice day to eliminate someone tonight don't you think KID. Now, hand over the gem or you know what gonna happen" said Snake with emotionless expression while pulling slowly the trigger trying say that he ready to shot him anytime he want.

He also pointing his card gun at Snake trying to say that he also not gonna lose to him.

Bang... Bang...

After that he manage to run away from Snake with his injured at the stomach. Trying to hide from Snake and the police. He manage to hide at nearest building that he do his heist tonight. He can't more any longer because of the injury. He breath heavily trying to hold his pain, his eyes start to feel blurry. While he heard someone were coming close to him, trying to see who is it? He see someone that look familiar, someone that he care about. 'Shinichi' After that he pass out.
Yukki p.o.v

I saw KID running to the stair while avoiding the trap that Nakamori-keibu set. Then I try to follow him and then reached to the rooftop. When I try to open the doornob, I hear someone was talking to KID. Stopping to what I suppose to and try to hear the conversation.

"Well, well what a nice day to eliminate someone tonight don't think KID. Now, hand over the gem or you know what gonna happen" said that person. And then I heard the gun shot. I was shocked and trying to see what happen with the door open a little. I saw KID was shot at the his stomach trying to hold his pain and the man in black was trapped to KID trap, trying to escape from the trap. KID manage to run with his hand glider but I know he couldn't handle the hang glider well because of the injury. I run out of the building trying to find him at nearby. Maybe he can't go to far with his injury, and than I saw him unconscious at the alleystreet near the building he doing his heist.

"KID, hey KID. Hanging there I try to call help"then I reached my cellphone and call Hakase to ask his help. Then Hakase came with Haibara and take KID to my house.

Kaito p.o.v

When I open my eyes, I saw I was in unfamiliar bedroom. Is they caught me? Is I being kidnapped? I saw my wound is already treated. "Ah, you awake" someone said it and turn around to see that person. I was shock that Yukki was looking at him while carring the tray food. After that, she lay the tray at the desk near the bed.

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