one: a wicked woman

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Eliyah's Point of View

one: a wicked womancurrent date: june 3, 1995

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one: a wicked woman
current date: june 3, 1995


"Eliyah, you look phenomenal."

"You look even better. Thank you for coming and watching me today, along with the other morons." I wrapped my arms around The Rocket happily.

"We enjoy coming to see you. The other three do too. You know how my brothers are, they love you." Owen Hart gave me a toothy smile.

"Well, I love them too. Say, where are those assholes?" I grinned, crossing my arms as Owen smirked too.

"Jim left already. Kids are back at the hotel and he wanted to see them." He leaned closer to me, raising his brow.

"How about the other two?" I asked.

"Davey is with Diana. God, he's been a pain in the ass." Owen rolled his eyes.

"What about Bret? You know, the one with long hair, a nice tan, and is the most stubborn man that ever stepped foot on planet Earth?" I mused.

Suddenly, a squeal escaped my lips when a strong pair of arms wrapped around my thin waist. Lifting me up like a bag of feathers over their right shoulder, the man chuckled.

"Goddamn you, Bret! Let me down this minute!" I laughed, squirming around in The Hitman's grip.

"Where's the manners?" Bret teased.

"Bret Hart if you don't let me down in two seconds I will kick your ass or get Jim to do it for me!" I huffed.

"Someone needs to learn their manners again." He remarked as he placed me back down on the ground and laughed. "... Because you've lost them all, kiddo."

Bret smiled, as I hit his chest. I leaned on his shoulder with a small smile as I looked back at Owen. He only shook his head, watching us.

"Well, I found him." I smirked at him.

"I don't understand how we're friends sometimes," The younger Hart shook his head, crossing his arms.

"Because I'm your favorite and you love me." I mused, pushing my blonde locks over my shoulder.

"I'll let you think that," Owen gave me an eye roll. "Anyways, Bret I'm going back to the hotel to see Martha. Are you going to come?"

"Yeah, I need to get things from my room too. Jim wanted me to watch his kids anyway because him and Ellie had plans for the night, and I agreed to watch them." Bret nodded.

"Do you need a ride?" Owen turned to me, looking in my brown eyes.

"Oh, no thanks." I chuckled. "Max, Ariana and I are rooming. Besides, I had a meeting with Vince about my debut next week."

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