five: regrets & mistakes

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Eliyah's Point of View

five: regrets & mistakescurrent date: july 1, 1995

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five: regrets & mistakes
current date: july 1, 1995


"Aye, McMahon,"

I greeted the Chairman of the World Wrestling Federation as I took a seat into the fancy office.

"Good afternoon, Eliyah." Vince nodded, shutting the door behind me.

"So, why'd you call me in here?"

Vince took a small breath, before he sat on his chair and looked me in the eye with a small smile. "I called you in here because I wanted to talk to you about your future here in the WWF."

"Well, I'm here. What are your plans for me, Vince?" I crossed my arms at the table, biting my lower lip. "... And please tell me it's something good."

Vince smiled softly. "Well, I've been talking to some of my wrestlers and other members backstage and so far I've heard a lot wonderful and great things about you."

I nodded my head, glad to hear the somewhat good news from Vince.

"I've also heard from Sean Waltman that you really want to try competing in the ring. However, I don't think I'm ready to put you out there like that just yet." Vince explained.

"So, what's your plans with me then for this company? Because I was born to be in the ring, not some little valet like Cynthia or Sunny. I wasn't made for that. I was made to get my hands dirty and wrestle." I expressed.

"And I completely understand that. I watched some of your greatest former matches from WCW and I agree, you were born to be in the ring. But I am interested in seeing how you would play out as a manager first." Vince suggested, as he crossed his arms too.

With slight irritation, I bit my lip.

I was thankful to even be apart of the World Wrestling Federation, but was I thrilled about now being a manager?


It almost felt like a slap in the face after how hard I worked to even get noticed and how hard I fought to get the chance.

"So who would I be managing?" I asked, curious.

"Well, due to the upcoming storyline that I have between Scott Hall, Sean Waltman and Ted DiBiase, I'm curious to know how you'd fit in by becoming the manager for Sean." Vince said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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