three: trouble in paradise

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Eliyah's Point of View

three: trouble in paradisecurrent date: june 17, 1995

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three: trouble in paradise
current date: june 17, 1995


"You may want to try too, or you might just look like a dumbass."

"Come in, let's try one!"

"Uh... I don't know. I don't want to hurt you." I shook my head with an embarrassed smile.

"I'm the best guy you could do this with, other than Bret or Owen." Sean Waltman smiled at me.


"Stop overthinking. Just do it." He urged me, smiling wider.

Sighing, I but my lip as I headed to the top rope nervously.

"Good, now get ready." Sean said.

"I'm going to fall on my ass." I giggled.

"I'll catch you. Just do it!" Sean laughed from below me.

Doing as he instructed, I locked my legs over his neck, like headscissors and he nodded, signaling me to go through with the move. I jumped as best as I could, closing my eyes as we both fell on the mat.

Landing on the center of the mat, I looked up. I rolled onto my side, as I looked over at Sean's limp body. I felt my breathing go hard as I rushed over to him, panicking. I slid over and shook him fearfully.

"Sean! Are you okay!" I exclaimed as I patted his cheeks.

Suddenly, Sean opened his eyes and engulfed me into a tight hug. I smiled and hugged him too, as we got to our feet and laughed.

"That was wonderful! One of the best Hurricanranas that I've ever seen in my life!" He laughed, shaking my shoulders happily.

"Oh my God, I did it!" I smiled.

"You did!" Sean confirmed happily.

"Wow, thank you so much." I praised, wrapping my arms around him.

Ever since last week, Sean and I have gotten closer as friends. It felt nice to have a new edition to my small circle of friends, and ever since my horrible debut, Sean taught me some new cool moves I could use in the ring.

"You did all the work. I'm super proud of you, El." He mumbled into my hair as he put his hand on my back.

Putting my head to his chest, I smiled and nodded. "I feel accomplished."

"It's called adrenaline." He smiled.

"Excitement is more like it." I corrected him, smiling wider.

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