four: one night is all it takes

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Eliyah's Point of View

four: one night is all it takescurrent date: june 24, 1995

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four: one night is all it takes
current date: june 24, 1995


"Earth to Eliyah Robinson." Kevin Nash waved his hand in my face.

"Huh?" I blinked a bit.

"You okay?" Ariana asked, raising a brow at me as she twirled her hair.

"Yeah. Just off in my own little world at the moment." I smiled slowly, as I fixed my black tank top.

"I asked if you had anything on your schedule tonight." Kevin repeated himself, chuckling softly.

I felt everyone's eyes on me, including those brown ones from across the small catering table.

"Yes. I'm supposed to escort him down to the ring tonight. That's what I was informed of, at least." I said, as I softly motioned my finger towards Sean's direction, causing him to sigh.

"Interesting." Ariana smiled as she held Kevin's strong arm.

Well, we are in Texas tonight and you know what that means." Max smirked from beside me, nudging her arm with mine, smirking even wider.

"No, I don't. What does it mean?" I said, uninterested as hell.

"You dingus! We can go to a bar, just you and I! And-"

"Not happening, Max." Shawn Michaels interrupted her, with his signature cocky grin on his evil lips.

"And why not, Michaels? I'm dying to hear." Max challenged him, crossing her arms as his eyes transitioned into an annoyed look.

"Is it because everything is bigger in Texas?" Max mused, smirking.

Scott almost choked on his water as Shawn rolled his eyes and stood up.

He fixed his jeans, and looked at all of us. Max snickered, standing up and pressing a kiss to Shawn's cheek as a tease towards him.

I kid you not, Max and Shawn are literally perfect for each other. I may not be fond of The Heartbreak Kid at all, but him and Max would be the greatest couple here, next to Kevin and Ariana of course.

"Love you, boy toy." Max said sweetly as Shawn exhaled and grinned.

"I love you too, Maxine. I have to go to the gym." The Heartbreak Kid said as he wrapped an arm around her right shoulder. He then glanced up at me and nodded.

"I swear, you two morons are made for each other." Hunter snorted as he chewed on his piece of meat.

"Fuck you, Helmsley." Max snarled playfully, as she fixed her hair.

"Anyways, should we all head back to the hotel? Tonight's show will be a long one and besides, it's not like we can't use the rest." Kevin stated.

"Sounds like a good idea. But I'm going to the gym in the hotel. Do any of you want to come?" Shawn asked.

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