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That one chapter where Tsugi or Kichi change their names to a secret. Also, this took place earlier, I just forgot to publish it. Ehh, more chat is more chat.


One person online.

Eddie : Guys!

Eddie : Guys!

Eddie : Guys! @Everyone

15 people have come online

HaruMaki : What do you want Shirogane.

RatBish : I can see the scowl!

Rachel : And I can hear the scowl.

HaruMaki : Do you wanna die

Rachel : Yes

RatBish : No

Rachel : Why did I not expect you to hug me?

Nyehhh~ : Anyway, what do you want Shirogane.

Eddie : We're going to do that one chapter where we change the nicknames to secrets!

LuminaryOfTheStars : The what now?

Eddie has changed 16 names


GothGF : I actually hate you.

(Uh, she gave Tsumugi permission, don't worry! She just didn't expect....that.)

Can'tSwim : HOW DID YOU

NineNine : Lets be honest, Tsumugi probably knows everything.

ShuichiSexual : I don't understand why you're complaining! My names amazing!

Doesn'tKnowTheDifferenceBetweenTheirThey'reAndThere : Are you like dating him? Also, this is a long name!

PunchedAHoleInTheWall : Why do I have the feeling you're Momota?

Five : That's because he is

WhyTheFCouldn'tIFindAnything! : Gonta thinks that's mean!

ShuichiSexual : Pfft- of course it's mean, why else would you say something like this!

Five : Ouma

PunchedAHoleInTheWall : Ouma.

Can'tSwim : Ouma.

Doesn'tKnowTheDifferenceBetweenTheirThey'reAndThere : Ouma!

NineNine : Ouma.

PleaseTakeABreak : Ouma.

Non-binary : Ouma.

GothGF : Ouma.

ActuallyCiel : Ouma.

ActuallyCiel : No I'm not.

AlmostKilledSaiharaOnce : Sooo~

ShuichiSexual : B*tch.

FeelsBadForIsabella : Lol

PleaseTakeABreak : Please, we need to focus.

Non-binary : Thats right! We should focus and figure out who is who!

DroppedAKeyboardOnSomeone : @FeelsBadForIsabella is Tsumugi-san, I think. She's forced me to watch a lot of her animes, one where Isabella is a character.

ShuichiSexual changed two names.

LuminaryOfTheIdiots : EXCUSE ME!

Can'tSwim : HA!

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