Chapter 4

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Hinata's POV

My heart is speeding up as Kageyama and I walk towards the woods. I don't know why I'm nervous, I shouldn't be nervous at all. I wonder what he's going to tell me... Part of me wants to know if- no I can't think like that. I think that at this point I like Kageyama, but it just feels so wrong. I can't like guys... Everyone would judge me, what would they even think of me?

Maybe it's just a phase, it'll go away. Plus Yachi told me that she liked me. I couldn't just get with someone else that wasn't her, that'd be wrong. I'll try my best not to think of Kageyama of more than a friend. I mean I've done it ever since I've met him, but it's very hard to keep this going.

You'd think that I'd hate him for everything that we've been through, but he helps me develop as a person. And has helped me become a better person. Without him, I'd be very different... I wouldn't be able to become the best I could be.

He stopped walking and I managed to say, "So what's up?" "Hinata," He says as he looks at me. "You've seemed so distracted lately..." I look away. It's true, I have been distracted, from my thoughts of me and him. Or just how I feel about whats happened with us in general.

"I know." I say softly, looking away. I hear the leaves shuffle around as he walks closer to me. I start to freak out, and I can feel my face heating up. "I gotta say something, and I don't know how you're gonna react." He says. Still not meeting his eyes, I say, "Well what is it Kageyama?"

"Ever since that day we fought, I haven't been myself," His voice sounds hurt, and I immediately look at him. He's standing right above me, with a sad look on his face. Before I can think, the words spill out of my mouth, "Me too." He looks at me, and something seems to soften in his eyes, it was like I gave him a milk to drink after practice.

"I've wanted to apologize to you for a while, but whenever I wanted to talk to you, you were always busy. Plus I didn't know if you'd listen to me or not." Regret washes over me as I say, "I'm sorry... And I've always wanted to talk to you too, but I thought you didn't want to either." Being this close to him is making it really hard for me to speak. And part of me wants to tell him how I feel, but I can't.

"I never meant to hurt you Hinata, I just didn't want you to go down the wrong path as I did. You're way too talented, to be by yourself." Says Kageyama. Stuttering a bit I say, "It's okay, I understand. Everything's cool now.." I wanted it to be cool between us, I hated this thing that was going on. "So you forgive me? Even though I suck at apologizing?" Kageyama says with a grin. "Yes." I say flashing him a smile, that makes his face turn red... What?

He then quickly turns away and scratches his head. "Well, I'm glad that everything between us is okay now." I say shyly, catching some of his energy. "Me too." He says, looking at me this time. He walks even closer to me, and I want him to lean in for a kiss. I would, but I don't want him to freak out.

He looks down at me and puts a hand on my shoulder. With that, sparks of energy course through my veins and I catch my breath. "Thank you Hinata." He says with a soft tone. It makes something trickle down my spine, and makes me want to collapse into him. We lock eyes and I can hear my heart beating so loud that I'm pretty sure Kageyama can hear it too. I don't know what to do in this type of situation, but I want something to happen.

Finally he starts to lean in a bit, and so do I. But then I hear Yachi's voice calling us from a distance telling us to come back. I quickly back away, and I can feel my face burning red as I turn away from him. "Sorry." I say turning and running towards the school again.

I run as fast as I can trying to get rid of whatever I'm feeling right now. That did not almost start to happen! Were we going to kiss?  Part of me is mad that Yachi had called for both of us, she ruined what could've been a memorable moment between me and Kayeyama. In seconds I reach her and she says to me, "There you are! I was worried about you guys! What did you guys talk about?" I honestly don't want to tell her anything about what happened between us, so I just say, "Personal things. Nothing for you to worry about." "Oh." She says startled from my response.

We all start to walk back into the school after so many people asked me what happened, and it makes me blush again. "Nothing really happened." I would tell them. The only people I couldn't convince was Daichi and Sugawara, they both looked at each other and smiled. They said that they know that something is up between us, and that if we needed advice to just ask them. I tried not to make any surprised expressions as I said, "Thank you." But how do they know what me and Kageyama are going through?

I'm one of the last people to walk into the school, Yachi is right in front me. I haven't seen Kageyama though... And it gets me worried, and I want to go look for him. As soon as I'm about to turn around, Yachi turns around and asks me, "Who do you like Hinata?" The question startles me and I ask her, "Why do you want to know?" She replies saying, "Kageyama told me something, that's all." She says, and with that she quickly walks away.

Before I enter the building I look over to the right and see Kageyama standing there.

Kageyama's POV

I had to stay behind and let Hinata wonder off, because I was so close to just kissing him just now. Part of me regrets my choice, and the other half doesn't. I was a step away from having something that I've wanted for a while now. Even from the start, I've wanted to rest my lips on his.

I watch as he walks behind everyone, and Yachi asks him something. She just makes me furious sometimes. She's the reason why me and Hinata didn't have a shared moment together. The fact that he wanted it too, made my heart speed up. I was very surprised that he wanted the same thing I did...

Or maybe he was just playing along? The look in his eyes said so many things, that I couldn't fully read what he wanted. The good thing, is that me and him are cool now.

But I'm not sure how he feels now after what happened. At least he's not mad at me anymore, to be honest he didn't seem mad at all. But that was after we spoke.

After we finished a couple more games, we were on our way to go eat dinner. Maybe I'll go sit with Hinata, just like old times. It'll be fun making him blush when I'm super close next to him, he thinks I don't notice, but I do. I think it's cute when he looks away when he's embarrassed, it just seems to do so many things to me. 

We all make our way back to our room and that's when I remember that me and Hinata are right next to each other. I grab a clean pair of clothes and notice that Hinata dropped his shirt on the floor as he walks over the bathroom. I retrieve it and follow him to the dressing area. I walk past Nishinoya and Tanaka as they make fun of something in the bathroom stall, I bet the toilet got clogged again...

I'm about to take a left when I'm stopped by Daichi, he has a grin on his face as he asks me, "So are things good between you and Hinata now?" "Yes." I say not meeting his gaze as Hinata slips off his practice jersey. Daichi notices and says, "You got it bad Kageyama." I raise my voice, "What do you mean?" He laughs and says, "If you ever need any advice, just let me know." He winks at me and walks away before I can say anything else. 

I make my way towards Hinata again, and I try not to stare too much that he'd notice. "Um Hinata?" I say as I walk up behind him. "Yeah?" He turns around. And when he does I try my best to keep my eyes glued to his eyes and not his upper body. "You dropped your shirt." I say handing it to him. He looks at it and grabs it, which gives me a chance to get a quick glance at him. Damn he's hot. 

"Thank you." He says, and I quickly look away from him. I hope he didn't notice... "Hey would it be okay if I sat by you?" I ask as he leaves. Hinata smiles and says, "Sure!"  I feel myself blush again as he smiles and I sure hope he doesn't notice that. I turn around and quickly get changed.

Dinner is going to be fun.


hey guys i'm really sorry for the late update. i've been super busy lately and I haven't been able to write that much. plus with school starting soon, it'll be harder to keep writing as well. not to mention that I get side tracked on making edits and posting them on Instagram lol. but thank you for being so patient with me :) 

I'll try my best to update sooner!!!

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