Chapter 5

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Hinata's POV

I was embarrassed that Kageyama gave me my shirt, out of all people, it had to be him. I forgot that our things were right next to each other, and that we sleep next to each other as well. I still wish that we kissed, and that Yachi didn't call out for us. But, at least we got to that point, we'll probably get another chance. Who knows what will happen during dinner, I bet he has a lot of things up his sleeve. I mean come on it's Kageyama we're talking about here! He's always up to something.

To make matters worse I kept smiling at him, more than I intended to! I just can't seem to stop smiling whenever he was around, he just makes me feel so joyful. I've never felt like this before, and I'm scared to find out what this all means. I feel like I could just fall into his embrace and just be there forever, but I know that I wouldn't want to leave. And if I am falling in love, then why does it seem like I'm on a roller-coaster? My emotions are everywhere, and I feel like I'm on drugs, when I'm clearly not!

I was one of the last people to leave the room after everyone rushed out. It's not that I was nervous or anything, but I just wasn't ready to leave yet... I don't know what's happening with me at all. I think I'm overthinking, like a lot! Part of me thinks that he wouldn't except me for me, or that I'm not good enough for him. And the other part thinks that I could be the only one that makes him happy.

Gathering my thoughts, I finally walk towards the door that leads to the rest of the school. I take a few breaths in and open it. I take a few steps out so then my whole body is in the hallway. "Took you long enough." My heart speeds up at the sound of that voice. I turn around to see Kageyama standing against the wall with his arms crossed. "I didn't know that you were waiting for me..." I say. "Well, I noticed that you weren't in the crowd when everyone left, so I decided to wait for you." He says with a grin. I want to say that that was thoughtful of him but instead I say, "You didn't have to. Now we're going to have to wait in line for food." I say jokingly.

"That doesn't matter. I'm still here with you." He said softly, something that I didn't know existed. My words were stolen from me as I just smiled to his response. Now and days it's very hard for me to talk to him without going stiff and stuttering. I wonder if it's the same way for him... I don't wanna be the only one to feel like this, I want him to have a share in these emotions that are coursing through me.

When we made it to the cafeteria, everyone seemed to have gone quiet. It was if we were the stars of the show. "About time you guys got here." Someone says to us. We both look over to who said it, and it turns out Tsuki said it. "Yeah so what?" Kageyama says to him.

I walk away to get my food while they bicker back and forth. There's just something about him that makes me feel fuzzy inside. And what he did earlier made me think he was slightly defending me. But I know that he probably wasn't, and that he was just being himself. Kageyama always seems to like getting into trouble with other people, wether he wants to or not. But that's what made him, him. He wouldn't be the same without it.

I take a seat besides Suga who says, "If you want me and Daichi to leave we can." He winks at me and nods towards Kageyama who was walking towards us. "You don't have to." I say, hoping he'd stay. I don't think I can handle more alone time between me and Kageyama. As soon as he sits down Daichi peaks his head out from behind Suga and says, "How's that quick attack coming?"

He picks at his food while thinking of a response, and I'm stuck looking at his amazing features. His eyes flick up and catch my gaze as he says, "It's doing quite well. I should be able to practice it with Hinata soon." I break our eye contact and eat my rice up. Hoping that he didn't think that it was weird that I was staring at him.

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