Chapter 6

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Hinata's POV

Kageyama and I walked outside for a while after we kissed. He had his arm around me, and held me tight as if someone was out to get me. I never wanted us to stop, but he said he wanted to be cautious that no one saw us. I cared less if someone saw us, I liked Kageyama. I didn't care about volleyball right now, all I wanted was to stay with Kageyama.

"Hey Hinata?" He says softly to me. "Yes?" I reply. "What do we do from here?" He asks. Part of me wanted to say what I wanted to happen, but the other part played dumb. "What do you mean?" I ask, urging him on. I wanted to hear him say it. "I mean we both like each other, right?" Kageyama says with a stern voice. "Yes." I say, still wanting him to continue.

"So," he says then scratches his head. "I can't get the words out Hinata." I laugh at his attempt of trying. "Let me guess, you're wondering if we should make it official. Right?" I say, knowing I'm right. "Yeah." He says, and turns to me with sparkles in his eyes. "It's whatever you feel is right Kageyama." I say stepping closer to him. "Would you be okay with that? You don't want to change your mind and date Yachi?" He says with a hint of jealousy.

I grab his hand and say, "Kageyama, you're the one I like. Not Yachi." He looks down at me with a small smile and says, "Okay." He places a small kiss on my lips, and I smile at him. "Your smile is contagious." He says laughing. "Well, you're the reason I smile." I say, letting too much come out. At that moment Kageyama grabbed my face again, and we were back to kissing again.


Kageyama's POV

With my hand intertwined with Hinata's, we walk back to the school. I seemed to have lost track of time, and we were five minutes past curfew. "Hope we don't get in trouble." Hinata says laughing. "Me neither. I don't wanna do more diving laps around the gym."

Seems like Hinata is the only one I can open up to. Everything makes so much more sense when I'm with him. "What do we tell them?" He asks me. "I say we got lost in the woods." I answer. "Good idea!" He says with his bright and cheerful voice. Along time ago, I would've thought that was annoying, but now, it's one of my favorite things about him.

We walk down the hall and as soon as we take a left, Daichi runs over to us and says, "Where have you guys been? Coach sent a search party for you guys!" We both scratch our heads and bow down while apologizing. "We got lost in the woods." Hinata says.

"You're lucky I'm nice." Daichi says as we get back up. "I'll let it go, but just this once. But I'll leave the explaining for you guys to tell coach. And with that, he walked into the room.

We both walk into the room and everyone turns to look at us. "Oh Hinata!" Yachi says as she runs to him. She wraps her arms around him. I want to take her off of him, but I try my best to stand my ground. "I'm alive, no need for all this." He says with a slight chuckle. That's not like him to say something like that. "Right! Of course, sorry." She says as she lets go.

"Coach wants to talk to you guys." Daichi says to us. He hands us his phone, and we both step outside. "Just what were you two thinking?" He says yelling through the phone. "I'm sorry coach, it was my fault. I wanted to go for a walk in the woods." Kageyama says. "And what gave you the idea of doing that at night?" Coach asks me. "I don't know. I'm sorry, I take full responsibility." Hinata looks at me with worried eyes that seem to say, What are you doing? But somehow, that puts me at ease.

"Thanks for your honesty, but that's 20 flying laps around the gym early before everyone gets warmed up." He says. "Yes sir." I say with regret. "I'll join too, if that's okay." Hinata says. "Go ahead, you guys do everything together anyways." Coach says with something in his voice that I can't quite read.

After everyone asks us what we were doing, it was finally time for us to go to sleep. But for some reason I wasn't ready to go to bed, today just didn't seem real at all. To have the boy of my dreams like me back was unbelievable, and it felt like none of it was real.

I take my spot on the floor right next to Hinata  and he gives me a warm smile as I lay down facing him. I feel my face heating up and I ask, "What are you smiling at?" "You." He says with a bigger smile. I smile and hide behind the covers. I feel too embarrassed sometimes to look at him when he says those kinds of things to me. 

"What's wrong." I hear him ask. I can tell that he's smiling at me just because of  his tone of voice. It's gotten to the point where it feels like I know everything about him. "Nothings wrong." I reply. "Then come out of the blanket and look at me." He's teasing me now at this point and I don't wanna give in. But I do anyway, I can't resist it anymore.

I creep out from underneath and stare into his pretty eyes. "That's more like it." He says to me with another smile. "Don't smile at me like that right now." I say fighting the urge to just make out with him again. He bites his lip thinking about if he's going to or not, and at this point I don't think I can fight it anymore.

I just want to feel him. All of him. His skin, lips...

Now is not the time for this Kageyama. I pinch myself so hard so then I don't have to think of all those thoughts that are spinning in my head. "Scoot over." He whispers to me. But I just lay there, if I move, then I won't be able to control what I do. He smiles like he knows what's going through my head. He moves in close to me and my heart speeds up so fast that I think he can hear it. He faces towards my chest and snuggles in a little ball like how a dog falls asleep. Do I wrap my arm around him? 

"You smell good." Hinata says with a chuckle. I just laugh a bit, I can't get any words out of my mouth. I feel so dizzy and my heart is literally racing a million miles per hour that it makes me feel as if I'm high. "You wanna talk a bit before we sleep?" Hinata asks. "S-Sure." I say barely managing to say. He looks up at me and runs his hand in my hair, which makes me catch my breath again. "Stop freaking out so much my love." He says softly. "What did you say?" I ask quickly. Did he really just call me that? "Sorry was that too sudden?" Hinata replies sounding a bit hurt. "No, not at all." I say putting one hand on his face. I look into his eyes, and all I can see is my future with him. "What?" Hinata says. It takes me a second to register what I was doing, I must've gotten carried away again. "Nothing." I say smiling at him. "Tell me." He begs. 

I take a breath and I say, "When I look at you... I-" But Hinata smiles at me and it makes me stop. "I get it." He says, with a sparkle in his eyes. "No let me finish." I say eager to finish my sentence. "When I look at you I see my future. I see my whole life, with you." I say with my eyes watering up. Hinata gets on one shoulder and says, "No don't cry Kageyama." "I'm sorry, you just mean so much to me. I don't want to ever lose you, you're going to stay with me forever, no matter what." I say. "No matter what." Hinata echos. 

He lays his head on me this time and I wrap my arms around him, scared to let him go. Somewhere I can't follow. Somewhere I can't see him, or see hear his voice. 

We lay there for maybe ten minuets, I can't tell how long we've been like this. We lay there not talking to each other. "Hinata?" I whisper hoping he's still awake. "Yeah?" He answers. 

"I love you."

"I love you too Kageyama." 


hey guys sorry i haven't uploaded in a while. i've been busy. and i'm kinda going through something right now. just writing this last part almost brought me to tears lol. love is tough man, it could be so stupid sometimes. but in the end it's all going to worth it in the end, we just need to fight through it. sorry for getting all emotional on you guys. i hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

love you guys 

author chan <3

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