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CIA Academy of Espionage

Washington, DC

1030 hours

"Okay, what do we know for sure?"

Zoe, Mike, and I were sitting on the floor of my dorm room. Administration had ordered everyone to stay in the student quarters as they scoped out the damage. It wasn't exactly the most secure place to discuss the events of the morning, but everywhere else was too public. 

"I told you guys everything I saw. It was definitely Erica." I was still reeling from this revelation, trying to make sense of it in my mind. 

That seemed to be the conclusion the school had came to. The principal had declared Erica Hale a criminal and a terrorist, upset because she hadn't been recognized for her skill and accomplishments on our previous missions. 

"I just don't know how someone persuaded her to do it," I continued. "Maybe--"

"Hold on," Zoe interjected. "You think she was blackmailed?"

I turned to her, confused. "It's not like she's actually working for the enemy. We need to help her." There was no doubt in my mind. 

Mike and Zoe exchanged a look that made me uneasy. I stared at them, dismayed. "You guys don't actually believe the CIA's story, do you?"

Mike looked uncomfortable. "Ben...they got security camera footage of her setting up the bomb."

"You saw her with your own eyes!" Zoe added, exasperated. "Why would she run away if she was innocent?"

I blanked. I didn't have an answer, but I was certain that Erica would never betray the CIA. She would never betray me. "She's our friend. She's saved our lives. Why would she turn against us now?"

I stared helplessly at my friends, who were looking at me with near-pity, like I wasn't in on some big joke. I closed my eyes for a second, trying to concentrate.

Something occurred to me. "It just doesn't make sense," I said, starting to pace.

"Ben--" Mike began, his voice consoling.

"The attack was sloppy," I told them, thinking hard. "Erica can get through campus security in her sleep. She always jacks the cameras, and she would cover her face if she didn't. She would never make so many mistakes, not unless it was on purpose."

Zoe had gone quiet. Mike seemed to consider my words. "Maybe she was just in a rush...?" he said uncertainly.

I shook my head, frustrated. "Not Erica. That's not how she operates. Even if--" I swallowed, directing my words at Zoe, pleading her to hear me out. "Even if you think she betrayed us, you've got to admit that isn't like Erica. She's meticulous. She always has a plan."

"Actually, yeah..." Mike said thoughtfully. "That's weird." Zoe didn't appear convinced, just more irritated.

"And another thing," I said. "I was the only one to witness the bombing and her escape at the time."

They looked confused, so I continued. "And I just happened to be called to the principal's office for no apparent reason, at the exact right time to see the explosion."

"A coincidence," Zoe said flatly, although I could tell she was thinking about what I said.

"Erica doesn't believe in coincidences," I replied softly. "In fact..." I pulled out the crumpled note from Crandall's class. I had stuffed it in my pocket without actually reading it.

Ripley, I need to see you to discuss your student records. - B. Sidebottom

Mike snorted. "B. Sidebottom? Who's that?" 

I sat down again and reread the short note, feeling more excited by the second. "It's definitely from Erica!"

Zoe raised an eyebrow. "Sorry Ben, did we miss the part where Erica's name is B. Sidebottom?"

"No, no, the Principal's real name is Barnabus Sidebottom."

Mike snorted. "Really? No wonder he just goes by the principal."

"Exactly! No students actually know his name," I sagged against the side of my bed, feeling more relieved than I had ever felt. "No students except me and Erica."

I turned to Zoe, who was staring at me. "How come you never told us that?" she said quietly.

I blinked. "I guess I've never really thought about it," I said. "But it's definitely from Erica. She must be trying to tell us something."

Mike took the note from me. "But what?"

"Student records..." I trailed off thoughtfully. "The record room is in the Hale Building. Maybe she wants to meet us there." I had never been there, but I had heard plenty of students 'joking' about breaking into it to look at everyone's info. Anyone could understand the appeal of a room full of everyone's secrets even at a normal school. For future spies, it was like winning the lottery. 

Mike nodded appreciatively. "That still doesn't explain why she wanted you to see her escaping though."

Before I could reply, Zoe said "None of this proves anything."

"What do you mean?"

Zoe sighed. "Your logic is sound about the note, she obviously wanted you to see the explosion. But that doesn't mean she isn't just trying to manipulate you."

"She wouldn't--"

"She would, Ben. You know that. She's conned you into risking your life for her hundreds of times," Zoe snapped.

I frowned. "But never like this, she always had good intentions."

"She used you as bait for the enemy in your first week here."

"Yeah, but--"

"She got you put on probation, then she got you expelled--"

"Well, that was--"

"And then she tricked you into going on a plane as bait for the enemy again." Her face was red from anger now. "You keep falling for it because you care about her! And she knows how to take advantage of it!"

"I know!" I said angrily. "Believe me, I know. But she always did it for the good of the CIA! She would never betray her country. She--" I felt a lump in my throat. Everything Zoe had said was true, and yet... 

"She helped me when the whole world was against me. I need to do the same for her," I finished, looking at my friends. "Even if you can't trust her, trust me."

Zoe looked to Mike, who had been observing our argument in silence. He shrugged. "It wouldn't hurt to check out the record room."

I turned to Zoe. "Please. I need your help too."

"Fine." She got up to leave, then turned to glare at me. "But just for the record, I helped you when the whole world was against you, too."

The door clicked shut behind her.

A/N: Thanks again for reading! Please comment below whether you prefer longer chapters on a weekly basis, or shorter chapters like this every day. Have a good one!

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