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Hi everyone! I hate to disappoint you yet again with a non-story update, but hopefully I can quell that with a few announcements.

First of all, the book that my story is supposed to be about--Spy School Revolution by Stuart Gibbs--is being released and available for you to buy tomorrow, October 6th. I know many of you fellow Spy School fans (Which really should be everyone reading this, considering this is literally a SS fanfic) already knew this. However, if you did not, I strongly encourage you to buy the book! Although I haven't read it yet, I can promise you that it'll be a really great read!

Next order of business is to talk about the future of this story. Technically, my plan when I started writing in August was to, like...finish the story before the real book came out. And obviously, that didn't really work out too well. BUT, as long as you guys are still enjoying the story, I will continue to post chapters.

A final thing: This book, which I really didn't think would go anywhere, has hit 3000 reads. Only two months ago I was trying to figure out which of the TEN reads the first chapter had were actual readers, and not just me trying to edit it. I guess what I'm saying here is thank you so much for reading, and to all of you who also want to write a story, it's totally possible. 

Alrighty! See you guys...at some point soon. I'll be honest, school has made my available writing time a bit unpredictable. But I read comments and reply to them every single day, so feel free to reach out even if I'm not updating.

- Salisorbis 😄

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