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Hello everybody! Today I wanted to do a longer author's note-style update. 

Summer is drawing to a close, which means I will soon be returning to school; which, as I'm sure you all know, is a pretty big time suck. 

Many of the people who read this story regularly are also writers here on WattPad, so I think many of you are also aware that writing takes a LONG time. My chapters take about five minutes to read each, and yet I work on them for hours each day.

Unfortunately, that means that I will not be able to put out new chapters nearly as often as I'd like to during the school year. 

Hopefully my workload for school will be light enough to continue frequent updates, but I think it's unlikely I'd be able to sustain the quality and length of chapters that I've been doing for the past month.

I'm committing to one update a week, probably during weekends, as that's when I have the most free time.

I know this isn't really a proper story update, so if you guys have any questions you'd like to ask about me or this story, please leave them in the comments below! (I promise I'm only this formal when I'm actually writing, lol)

- Salisorbis 😎

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