Drago's Faith

612 19 5

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: 2018

Time× 12:22 pm

"Viktor, stop playing before I hurt you!" Natalie threatened as she hopped up, trying to get her lace thong out of Viktor's hand.

He grinned down at her, laughing on the inside at how adorable she looked. "It's not my fault I'm taller than you. Keep hopping, maybe you'll get it bunny." He teased, lifting his arm up higher.

Natalie stopped hopping and glared up at him. "Keep playing and I'm going to kick you in the balls." When Viktor didn't bulge, she lifted her leg to show him she wasn't kidding. He quickly handed her the thong and took a step back. "That's what I thought, Drago." She said, before throwing it into the washer Machine.

Today was wash day, and they decided to humble themselves by spending the morning washing their clothes at the nearest laundromat. It was something they did back in Russia, so they decided to carry it out and turn it into a traditional thing. Viktor sighed as he sat on the folding table. "I'm exhausted, Nat." He said, watching her put the coins in the slot. "We need a vacation."

Natalie frowned and turned to look at him. "A vacation? We've only been in the states for like three months."

"I know that... it's just... I'm tired."

She started the machine and walked towards him, with one hand on her hip. '"What kind of tiredness are we talking about here. Physically, mentally, or emotionally?"

Viktor looked away from her, checking to see if anyone else was listening. When he was sure nobody was, he said to her, "Mentally."

"What's making you mentally tired? Your dad? Your fight... me?"

Viktor shook his head. "No, it's not you, it's never you... I just feel tired."

Natalie nodded, settling herself in between his thighs. She wrapped her arms around his waist, snuggling into his chest, just as he leaned his upper body on her. "It's okay... we'll figure it out." She reassured him. "Why don't you go see a therapist?" She suggested.

Viktor groaned, softly. "I don't need to see a therapist Nat, I don't need anyone in my head. I'm just tired... It'll pass."

"Well, if you're still tired by the end of this month, I'll drag you to one my damn self."

He groaned some more, holding onto her tighter. "If I go, then you have to go to the doctor. I'm talking about a full visit and everything."

Natalie sighed heavily, rolling her eyes. "You couldn't wait to say that, couldn't you?" Viktor chuckled. "Alright, alright. I'll go to the doctor... but you have to do at least two sessions with the psychiatrist. Deal?"

"Mmh." He mumbled, closing his eyes. "Deal."

"I've got to tell you something."

Viktor backs away, giving her his undivided attention. "Don't tell me you went after Sofia." He said, seriously.

Natalie laughed. "What? Of course not... not yet at least." It sounded like she was joking, but she meant it. "So last week, when I took the day for myself to... think about things, I met this group of kids that were being harassed by this lady. And she was rude, so me being the woman that you know I am, I stepped in. Anyway, the moral of the story is I felt bad, and I bought all the candy they had with them."

Viktor frowned. "Really? That's very generous of you."

Natalie smiled cheekily. "I know, but," She bit her lips. "They happen to be a big fan of boxing and... I may have promised them some seats to your match tomorrow." She rushed out. "And I withdrew six-hundred dollars from our account to give to them, so they could use it towards their football program."

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