Chapter 6

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After the whole two weeks of examination, Mix finally finishes his exam. For these two weeks, Mix is having a sleepless night and skips meals many times just to continue his revision. He spent most of his time in a day in the library. If before he has only both Win and White to take care and worry about him, but now there's Earth. Every day Earth will come and bring him to have meals. He's touched and never feels this loved before after his mother passed away.

Now after his exam finishes already, he's packing his bag for his vacation with Earth to Pattaya. Last week, Earth had forwarded the details of the vacation to him and Mix had searched the hotel that they're going to say, his jaw nearly fell off when he saw the price for one night.

"Don't forget this thing. This is so important" Win says to him and throws him the thing. Mix catches that thing and he shouts at Win

"Yahhh!!!!! You pervert bunny!!!" Mix throws the pillow to Win but he runs away while laughing. Mix huffs while glaring at the thing in his hand. It is a damn lube and it's not just any lube but a chocolate flavored lube.

"Aish that damn Win. "he grumbles out but he doesn't know what to do with that thing. Then he sighs, he just puts the lube inside his luggage bag. After that, he continues to pack his things but then his phone rings. He looks at the caller name, it's Earth calling. Mix picks up the call.


"Hi, did you finish packing already?" Earth asks him. Mix looks at the mess in front of him.

"A little bit more, why? Did you arrive here already?" Mix asks while walking to the window to look outside. And there he can see Earth standing beside his red Mazda CX-5, he waves at Mix.

Mix smiles back "I will go down in another 15 minutes. Can you wait for a while?" he asks Earth.

"Okay I will wait for you here." They disconnect the call and Max quickly packing up his things. After checking that he already packs all the things that he needed, he walks out of his room with his luggage. He meets with Win that is relaxing on the sofa in front of television.

"Are you going now already?" Win asks him without taking his eyes off from the television.

"Yeah, I am going right now so you better take care of the house well. Don't let any dishes in the sink and make sure to feed Charlottee." He says to Win. Win just waves his hand and Mix rolls his eyes.

"And one more thing, do not! Do not bring Bright here and do whatever you two always do here okay!" he warns for the last time before he puts on his shoes. He turns to look at smirking Win.

"I warn you, Win" he reminds back.

Win just whines "Alright! Alright! Geez you old virgin. Just go and enjoy your vacation with Earth." He says to Mix.

Mix walks out of the door but before he closes the door, Win calls him. Mix turns to look at him

"Be happy. You deserve it friend." He says while smiling sincerely at Mix. Mix scoffs

"Thank you Win. Take care of yourself." He says and after that he closes the door.

When he arrives at the ground floor, he is welcome by smiling Earth. Earth walks to him and takes his luggage.

"Are you ready for the trip?" Earth asks him. Mix just shrugs

"Don't know. Can we get in the car right now? I need to take a nap. I am so sleepy right now." Mix says. Well it is true, he just finished his exam yesterday then at night he was busy packing the luggage so he doesn't have any decent sleep last night.

Earth chuckles and opens the door for him "I am not a girl. I can open it by myself." Mix grumbles. Earth ruffles his hair "Yeah but you're my prince." Then walks to the driver seat. They enter the car and buckles up their seat belt before drive away.

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