Chapter 1

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         "Mix!!!!! Wake up or you are going to be late for your class!!!" his roommate shouts wake him up from his sleep. 

          Mix startles awake and looks at the clock on his bedside table. It's 8 o'clock...shit... he is going to be late. He quickly get out from the bed and run to the bathroom. He hastily wash his face and brushes his teeth before clumsily wear his uniform. His mouth keep cursing while he gets ready because he do not want to be for the Animal Biology II class this morning because the assigned professor is known for her strictness on the lateness and discipline. He grabs his sling bag and runs out of his room. 

         His roommate, Win is having his breakfast there greets him "Do you want me to send you there?" Win asks but Mix just waves his hand while wearing his shoes.

         He dashes out of the house and runs quickly. He has 30 minutes to enter his class on time. Luckily the house that he rents is just 15 minutes away from the campus, so he estimates that he can arrive the class on 8.20 in the morning if he runs quickly and do not care who he bumps into. He even doesn't have time to apologize to every person that he bumps into. After a long run, finally he arrives the class, he slams open the door and all his classmates look at him but luckily his professor still not in. He walks to his seat with heavy breath.  

          His seatmate aka his best friend, White laughs at him "Wrong alarm again today?" he asks. Mix just huff and rolls his eyes 

         " I forgot to charge my phone last night after finish the assignment so that's why I wake up late today." He says while trying to gain his breath. Damn, it's too early for him to spent his energy. 

           White just shake his head softly and put a bread and a box of chocolate milk in front of him. Mix eyes sparkles and looks at wide with a smiling face " Thank you my friend. You're the best and useful friend that I have in this world. No one can replace you." He says while start eating his meal. 

           White rolls his eyes "Don't let Win heard that or he will sulk with us" "Then it's between us only then." Mix and White laugh. They stop laughing when the professor enters and starts their lesson. Mix stops eating and start to pay attention on the lesson. 


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          The meeting room is in a deafening silence. The only sound that can be heard, is the sound of the paper being turned. The people inside the room are all silence and they are all looking at their CEO that is sitting at the end of the meeting table. Earth Pirapat Watthanasetsiri, CEO of the NExText Company, the largest electrical and engineering company in Thailand. Their company is in the first place among hundreds of other company that exist in Thailand and their yearly grossing profit is enough to make people drop their jaws. Thus, it also makes their CEO, Sir Earth Pirapat one of the richest man listed in top 10 of the richest people in Thailand. Plus the fact that he is single makes him the dream man for many women and some men in Thailand. 

      Many of them are hoping that they are lucky and can associate with him. Even though, he has a cold demeanor and charisma aura, he still become the most popular bachelor in Thailand because of his richness and handsome features. His handsome and charisma face plus with the tan tone muscle body are enough to make women and men scream and jealous of him. If he is shirtless, it will be death of them. He is so popular that he has many fan club and fans and he even manage to surpass the first place celebrity in Thailand, Nadech Kugimiya.

"Can someone explain to me why did the sales is slightly down for this three months?" Earth says and looks away from document in his hand. 

      All of the managers in the meeting room look down and do not dare to make an eye contact with him. 

       Earth sighs harshly and throws the document to the center of the meeting table "Anyone? No one. No one can tell me? No one can tell me the reason and why the hell are we having a meeting today huh!" he looks sternly at the managers of all the sectors in his company.

       "No one can come up with a reason and YOU DARE TO CALL ME FOR A MEETING!!!!" he shouts.

      All of the managers stiffen and hold their breath. He is angry and when he is angry no one dare to say anything afraid that what they say will only make him angrier. He leans back on his chair  

   " Get out! All of you get out and start thinking with your underlings how to increase back our profit. I give you two months and for the next two months I want to see the improvement" he warns them. 

   "yes sir!" all of them says simultaneously. 

   Earth grits his teeth when he see that they are all still sitting " then what are you waiting for!!! OUT NOW!!!!". 

        With that all of the managers hurriedly walks out of the meeting room. Earth sighs and closes his eyes for a while his hand is messaging his head. He feel a presence beside him and without opening his eyes, he greets that person 

       "What do you want Tay?". Tay chuckles slightly and take a seat on one of the chair "You need to chill bro or your hair will be all white before you reach 50 years old." He teases Earth. 

       Earth looks at him annoyingly " Yeah, easy for you to say when you are not the CEO of a company. You don't know the stress." He grumbles weakly. 

      Tay laughs "Well lucky for me because I am not a type of person that dream of owning a company and I am not going to forever. I am happy with my current life right now." He brags. 

      Earth scowls at him " Yeah lucky to you but unlucky to me. And you're even lucky in finding your soulmate. I still can't understand how is someone like you can get  Newwie as soulmate." 

     "Hey...What's wrong with me huh. I am hot, handsome, rich...but not so rich and most important, I have a great stamina." He wriggles his eyebrow. 

       Earth scowls "TMI please. I don't want to know about your sex life." 

       Tay laughs loudly " You can say it now but wait until you find your soulmate. On that time, you will feel what I feel. The feeling that want to own and mark you partner when he looks so ethereal and beautiful." Tay says while he's dreaming. 

      Earth sighs and stands from his chair and slaps Tay's head "Ouch! What the hell!" Tay whines. "Okay loverboy...enough of your dirty imagination. Let's go have lunch. I am damn hungry." Earth walks out of the room with a nagging Tay behind him. 

In his mind, he's thinking. It is not him who do not wish to meet his soulmate but it seem that his soulmate is wishing for it. Sometimes he can feels his soulmate hatred toward their soulmate feelings and he keeps wondering why did his soulmate really hate the idea of having a soulmate. He wants to meet him quickly ad change that hatred into love. Earth want to give all the love to his soulmate and he is going to take care of him with all his might.

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