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Clearing his dry throat, Jungkook steps forward, looking towards Lucas. He also stands up, moving to stand behind Jungkook. Jin and Wendy are looking at each other, trying to decide what to do or say. Jimin is really confused. Whereas Namjoon and Yoongi are standing next to Taehyung with a cool look in their eyes. Jungkook mentally sighs, before he smiles and says, "hey guys this is Lucas, he's the party planner. He's asked me for help and you guys can help too... if you want," he finishes off, introducing Lucas to the gang.

Jin sheepishly walks further in, along with the others. Wendy follows, smiling at Lucas, she grabs Hoseok, "Hi Lucas, I'm Wendy and this is my future baby daddy, Hoseok." Hoseok groans, "Wendy, I thought we talked about this, you can't say that." Wendy shrugs, flicking her hair back, "what?" She whines before saying, "I'm only stating facts. Would you rather me lie?"

Hoseok nods, "okay so if that's facts, tell me what would a lie be?" Wendy sits on the floor, dragging Hoseok down with her, "well, it would be...we get into a messy breakup two months later after I catch you cheating and then somehow a few weeks after that I run you over with a car - actually it would be Jungkook running you over," Jungkook chuckles and pipes in, "true that. Hoseok, be aware of the roads bitch."

Hoseok looks at Jungkook with wide and fearful eyes before looking at Wendy again, " so what would you prefer to hear all the time?"

Hoseok quietens down, and Wendy just smiles in satisfaction, "see Jungkook, I'll always win the small debates with Hoseok. I was about to call them arguments but they're not really arguments, are they?" She says, Jungkook smiles at her before turning around to Lucas.

He smiles sheepishly, "so I'm just going to take my leave now," and he turns to walk to the door, but Jungkook quickly grabs his hand, stopping him in his tracks, "no, you shouldn't. I said I was going to help, and now that we have a full party, we can all help!" Lucas looks at Jungkook for a second, grateful for the fact that he's made a new friend, "yeah, I'd love it if you can all help, considering the fact that I only have like three days to get the party ready."

Hoseok seal claps, "we should make posters! I love making posters," Wendy smiles and nuzzles into his neck. Jin sits down next to them and looks up to Namjoon who's deciding on where to sit. Jungkook looks at Taehyung, who's standing awkwardly at the doorway, fidgeting on his feet. Taehyung's blue eyes meet Jungkook's apprehensive ones, Jungkook smiles, expecting one back, but Taehyung's eyes shift and he moves to sit beside Hoseok. Jungkook's smile falls to the ground, his shoulders slumping. Taehyung was angry at Jungkook wasn't he? Jungkook didn't even need to question it, he just knew.

Right at that moment, Jimin and Yoongi sit next to the blue eyed boy, Jimin nudges Taehyung, "why the long face?" Yoongi smiles a bit before saying, "yeah! Are you a horse? If so, neigh bitch." Taehyung looks at his friends weirdly, shrugging off their weird before mumbling a quick, "I'm just tired, leave it off."

But Jimin thinks otherwise, he leans on Taehyung, "well, your bed is right there. Why don't you get some shut eye, while we all help the lovely Lucas plan the party," Jimin whispers to Taehyung, loud enough for the blue eyed boy to hear, a long with Yoongi. Taehyung's narrow, watching as Jungkook and Lucas interacting like they were life long friends. But that wasn't right. Because Taehyung was more or less someone Jungkook knew for his whole life ..and he definitely didn't interact with Taehyung like that...ever.

Scowling, Taehyung says, "no..it's my room too, so if you guys want to be all artsy and shit then I'm going to keep on eye on things." And by things, Taehyung meant Jungkook and Lucas. Yoongi smirked at Jimin, he knew his best friend too well. "Are you jealous right now?" He asks bluntly, shocking Taehyung. Taehyung almost jumps up, "what? No! Why would I be? Are you dumb- shut up!" He hushes, shushing the two even though they weren't saying anything. Yoongi laughs, and decides the to leave the rest for Jimin to deal with.

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