epilogue [M]

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E P I L O G U E:
[five years later]

"I can't believe you have done this to me Taehyung. I can't believe you've betrayed everything that we've promised each other. You see this ring on my finger? It's yours now. I'm no longer promised to you. Not when you've went behind my back and betrayed me like this," Jungkook sobs loudly, tears streaming down his red cheeks, eyes puffy and swollen.

The two were now twenty four years of age, living together in a small apartment that had a balcony with a little dog. Yes, Jungkook had forced Taehyung to get a dog. A cute little, aesthetically pleasing doggy that was named Yeontan.

They had been living together for about nearly four years. And that's when the disaster struck. A huge disaster, that led to Jungkook deciding if his and Taehyung's relationship was worth continuing. But a betrayal this big? How was Jungkook ever going to get past this? How was he ever going to love again?

Taehyung freezes, looking up from the newspaper he was reading, the half eaten apple in his hand paused too, mouth wide open. Taehyung's whole body glitches as he stares in confusion at Jungkook, who was standing in nothing but tight boxers, eyes red, lips swollen with sadness, tears trailing down his cheeks continuesly. Jungkook hiccups, his brown hair messy as if he had pulled and tugged on it harshly.

Jungkook pulls at the promise ring that Taehyung had give to the younger three years ago, and throws it at Taehyung, the ring clinking onto the counter. Taehyung's eyes scanned the situation, and the only thing he could think of: what the fuck was happening?

But he didn't question it out loud because Jungkook was clearly upset about something, and that meant that Taehyung had to do everything in his power to make Jungkook feel better.

A typical Sunday.

But this time, it was a bit different. Because Jungkook had never, ever taken off his promise ring. Ever. Since the moment that ring had been slipped on Jungkook's slim middle finger, the pretty rose gold band accenting his beautiful milky skin, the little diamond accentuating his feminity and strong-headed personality. The ring was perfect for Jungkook. So perfect that he often thought of it as his wedding ring.

So that meant, whatever Jungkook was upset about, meant that it was serious. And Taehyung had truly did something to hurt the younger.

But no matter how hard Taehyung racked his mind, he just couldn't find anything that he had done wrong.

Setting down his apple and newspaper, Taehyung picks up the ring, he looks at it before walking up to Jungkook, who flinches away from Taehyung, "d–dont touch me," Jungkook hiccups. Taehyung doesn't listen, taking Jungkook's right hand, sliding the ring on once more.

"What's wrong baby?" Taehyung whispers softly, rubbing his thumb against the pad of Jungkook's hand, urging the younger to come closer to him, and Jungkook does, slowly stepping forward, but he doesn't say anything, doe eyes still tearing up.

Taehyung sighs, wiping at the tears, "don't cry Jungkookie, you know how much it hurts me when I see you cry." And it was true, because every time Jungkook cried, it felt like a thousand knives were being plunged deep into Taehyung's heart. The younger hiccups once more cutely, before nodding slightly, relaxing into Taehyung's chest, his body cold from the lack of clothes.

"Now, are you ready to tell me what's wrong?"

Jungkook pulls away from the older, eyes puffier than ever.

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