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The day of the party.

It was near to around evening, and Jungkook was snuggled up with Taehyung in their room, watching a random Netflix show, just trying to make some time pass until the party. Taehyung chuckles at one of the characters who's supposedly paralysed but stands up to see her crush, meanwhile, Jungkook is staring at the laptop screen, completely unamused. The show didn't make any sense at all, how was anyone supposed to enjoy a show that wasn't realistic even in the slightest bit. Jungkook rolls his eyes with a huff.

Taehyung sees this, his bunny being a little stubborn and smiles. The day had gone so well. They woke up together, legs tangled, arms wrapped around each other, peaceful snoring. And then ate together, feeding each other their food, and laughing at the conversations they were having. And then they met with their friends together, just simply talking about what to wear to the party. And now they were back to being snuggled up on the bed together, just trying to stay warm, away from this cold, cold weather that was able to make someone's body completely numb.

Jungkook preferred staying on Taehyung's bed because it smelt like him. And he didn't ever want to let that get away. That oddly comforting scent that had always made Jungkook feel so at home that it wasn't normal. Whereas, Taehyung just wanted to be wherever Jungkook was, he didn't ever want to spend a minute away from his bunny, he just wanted to be their, side by side, together. Sure this was definitely the honeymoon phase for the two boys, but it was a damn needed one, and they were going to savour every taste of it, not letting any go to waste.

Jungkook buries his head in Taehyung's chest, purring softly when he feels the warmth off of Taehyung's body mix and mingle with his own body, surrounding him like a cloud of happiness. Jungkook snuggles closer to Taehyung, trying to be as close to his boyfriend as possible.

Yes, they were now labelled as boyfriends. At first, Jungkook had wanted to go slow, but then he had heard Taehyung's absolutely heart throbbing speech that he gave to Jimin and Yoongi, and in that moment, Jungkook realised that there was nothing more that he wanted... than to be Taehyung's one and only.

Was it possible for someone to have a dream to be a person's boyfriend? If so, then that was Jungkook's dream. To be Taehyung's. Now, in every thought Jungkook had about the future, he couldn't imagine it without Taehyung, it just want possible anymore. And Jungkook had tried, but the future just didn't feel right without Taehyung.

It felt like a fake life that a glitch in the system made, and Jungkook didn't want that. He wanted Taehyung in his life for as long as he had to live. And that was a known fact. No, truth.

Jungkook wanted to grow old, have kids, get a dog and a cat, sit on the lawn reading while they watched their grandkids run around playing around with toys and the animals while Taehyung and Jungkook just smiled, reliving every moment of their life together before leaving the world... together.

That's how Jungkook wanted it to be.

And that's how Taehyung wanted it to be too.

Taehyung plays with Jungkook's red hair as he continues to watch the show that was playing on his laptop, until he sees the time. Damn, how many episodes did he watch, it was nearly eight in the evening. And Jungkook was near to fall asleep. Lifting Jungkook up, Taehyung tries not to coo at Jungkook's small whimpers and whines, protesting that Taehyung wakes him up.

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