Part 3

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Summary: When Goyle stumbles upon Draco and (YN) arm in arm, Draco is left to explain why on earth he is spending time with a muggle, leaving (YN) questioning his intentions.

Word Count: 1695

Warnings: Angst and fluff for both Draco and the reader.

A/N: Hope you enjoy it and please, feel free to send me a message or comment, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged.

A/N: Hope you enjoy it and please, feel free to send me a message or comment, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged

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Draco didn't know how, but he managed to convince Goyle that he was only using (YN) for his own benefit. That he had no feelings for the muggle, other than admitting she was mildly pretty and a good way to waste his time. Hearing himself say it, had sent his stomach sick with guilt, but he knew it was necessary to keep both himself and (YN) safe. Maybe it was because Goyle was a little dim-witted, well, quite dim-witted actually and had always so willingly followed Draco's lead. Whatever the reason, he found himself grateful and relieved when Goyle promised to not breathe a word of it.

(YN) had not been so easily convinced, she was far too smart to not realise something strange was going on. And after just convincing her that he was not ashamed by her, he went and treated her so dismissively in front of Goyle, bringing him back to square one, well... probably worse than square one actually.

When Goyle asked, 'what are you doing with her?' the disgust was evident all over his friend's face and Draco could feel (YN)'s whole body tense up next to him, immediately dropping her arm from his when he failed to reply. Worse still, after another moment of silence passed, Draco could still find no words and the next thing he knew, (YN) was walking away, her posture hunched over and her head hanging low, clearly upset. And all he wanted to do was chase after her, to take her in his arms and explain everything, but he couldn't. Instead, he stood there shuffling from foot to foot, his head running through a million different excuses as to why Goyle had caught him arm in arm with her.

When Draco still failed to speak, Goyle asked again, his voice confused and mumbling, "Draco? What's going on?"

Clearing his throat, he bit his bottom lip and shrugged his shoulders, trying to sound flippant, "Nothing... Just having a bit of fun."

Still confused, Goyle squinted his eyes and replied, But... but she's a muggle."

Draco pulled a face full of disdain, hoping to seem irritated that Goyle would even question him about such a thing. "I know... what's it to you if I waste my time here with your stupid muggle neighbour." Shaking his head, he screwed up his features, "It's not like I like her or anything... Who do you think I am, Goyle?"

Goyle still looked at him confused, throwing his hands in the air a little, "But why would you wanna kiss a filthy muggle?"

Draco took a deep breath, trying hard to let his friend's words have no effect. Yet, he couldn't help but feel his fists clenching at his sides and as his own words create an uncomfortable knot in his stomach as they left his lips. "Yes, I know... why do you think I'm doing it?" It wasn't really a question and before Goyle could attempt an answer, Draco spoke again. "I can get what I want from her, leave for Hogwarts and never have to see her again." With a sleazy smile, he raised his brows and continued, "Unless, I want to come back at Christmas for some more fun... I mean you have to admit, that even for a muggle she's pretty."

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