Part 6 - Epilogue

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Summary: Just tying up the loose ends. It's been two years since the Battle of Hogwarts.

Word Count: 1269

Warnings: None.

Hope you enjoy it and please, feel free to send me a message or comment, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged. 

So much had changed

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So much had changed. The world in which Draco now lived, barely resembled the world he left behind just three years earlier. Gone, were the dark shadows and evil presence of Voldemort lingering and lurking around every corner, no longer gathering fools and wicked soldiers to rip the world in two. He was gone... never to draw breath from the world again. Gone too, was the hateful and bitter young boy that walked down Goyle's street on that beautiful sunny day, miserable and unaware his life was about to change forever. And as he straightened his collar in the mirror, he smiled, barely recognising the young man that smiled back. Gone were the relentless dark circles from his under eyes and simmering anger from his chest, or the constant battle against his own guilt and conscience. Instead, there was a young man who held no heaviness in his eyes, whose chest felt light and unburdened... with a smile that hinted his life was just one breath away from perfection.

When a knock sounded on the door, Draco turned around, his hands smoothing down the front of his suit as a voice came from the other side, a voice he had known for years, but one that had become a surprising constant in his life. "Are you ready?" Harry said, his voice bright and chipper.

"Yes," Draco called out, as he made his way over. Pulling open the door, he looked at Harry, "Do you have them?"

Harry said nothing, answering with just a smile and a nod of his head, his hand giving a quick tap over his pocket. Even after two years of friendship, it still amazed Draco that Harry gave him the time of day. Yes, they may have ended up fighting on the same side at the Battle of Hogwarts, but after the way he treated him all throughout their school years, Draco never expected forgiveness from Harry, and yet... they had become incredibly close... Even Ron had found forgiveness for him, though Draco suspected it had far more to do with Hermione and (YN)'s friendship than anything else. The two young women were inseparable. Maybe it was because they both grew up in a muggle world, Draco really wasn't sure. But whatever it was, he was grateful that Hermione went out of her way to welcome (YN) into their magical world, because none of his so called 'friends' made any effort at all. In fact, many of them refused to have anything to do with him anymore. And what Draco believed in the beginning to be purely curiosity on Hermione's behalf, curiosity about the muggle girl who 'enlightened Draco', soon blossomed into a strong friendship.

Closing the door behind him, they both made their way down the hall, where sunshine and cloudless blue skies streamed in through the open french doors that led outside. The sweet smell of spring floated down to meet him, his eyes drawn to beautiful bursts of colour surrounding a perfect little courtyard, where an abundance of petals bloomed in a final effort to farewell spring and welcome summer. Just outside the door, stood his mother, a genuine and proud smile touching her lips at the sight of her son so happy. It had been a long and rough road to that genuine smile, at first Narcissa only bothered to tolerate (YN) simply because she knew she would lose her only son if she didn't. But gradually that toleration transformed to appreciation for the girl. In all honesty... she had never seen Draco so happy or content... and she knew (YN) was the reason... so how could she hate someone who managed to put a smile on her son's face, day in and day out. His father on the other hand, was a different story, Draco knew he would never accept her... and so far he had only been proven right. In the two years since the battle, Lucius had refused to even look at her, let alone meet her... and Draco was comfortable with that... unsure how he would react if his father was intentionally rude or cruel to her. It was probably the best for everyone involved, especially (YN).

Stopping before Narcissa, Draco leaned across and kissed her cheek, "Hello mother."

Grabbing his hands, she gave them a gentle squeeze, "Draco... you look so handsome." Then giving him another smile, she brushed some fluff from the breast of his black suit, "You better hurry along... I've just come from her room, she won't be long."

At her words, his heart thumped loud and fast in his chest, but he smiled and leaned down to kiss her cheek again, before doing as she said. Moving along, he made his way through the small gathering of guests that sat in pretty white rows of chairs across the courtyard. Suddenly aware of their eyes upon him, he kept his owned trained to his feet as he stepped over the moss covered gaps between the rustic brick pavers. Coming to a stop across the courtyard, Draco stepped up onto a platform... a simple wooden pergola covered in the most stunning wisteria he had ever seen. It's beautiful mass of purple flowers suspended and hung from the top as if they were striving to touch the ground. Turning around, he gave some familiar faces a smile as Harry reached his side, only then did the soft music reach his ears... settling his racing heart just a bit. Again, he turned to Harry, "Are you sure you have them?"

This time Harry laughed as he reached into his pocket, pulling out it's contents onto his palm. "Yes... here, look." Looking to his friend's hand, he released a small breath and nodded his head, there they were... two bands... one white and one black, perfectly adjusted to fit both his and (YN)'s ring finger. It was at that moment Draco heard Harry clear his throat as his fingers closed around the rings, placing them back in his pocket for safe keeping, "It's time... she's here."

Draco needed no further explanation, as the melody of (YN)'s favourite song begin to play. With a deep breath, he failed to calm the nervous energy from radiating around his body, his chest working overtime as he tried to clear his head. Daring to peek up towards the open doors, he saw her... a stunning vision all in white, causing his breath to get lost in his chest... but the sight of her warm eyes and beaming smile melted away every last whisper of nervous energy, clearing his mind... leaving only her. He didn't hear the music, or see a single flower, nor did he hear the guests murmurs of approval as (YN) made her way towards him... Gone from thought was his mother, his father... and Harry, and the rings in his pocket too... there was only her. And as she reached his side, he returned her beaming smile, gently taking her hands in his, reaching across to whisper in her ear, "Thank you."

When Draco pulled back, he saw her expression falter in the most adorable way, whispering back as her radiant complexion darkened, "Thank you..? For what?"

Dropping one of her hands, he gently cradled the side of her neck and leaned towards her once more. And when he spoke, his lips brushed against her lobe, the heat of his breath raising goosebumps across her soft skin beneath his fingers, his words causing her cheek to gravitate towards his own. "Thank you for giving me everything... I never knew true happiness... not until the day I met you."


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