One Night Stand? More Like Nine Months Chapter 3

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AN: I am sorry for the late post, my Internet was down and decided to be lame for the week but here is a double post. Hope you enjoy and don't forget comments and votes and fanning are highly appriciated


(Chapter Three)

"Jennifer Marie Reyes, will you listen to yourself? You are pregnant and going to kill the father of your unborn child?" Brea asked as I drove down the familiar street. Our families are good friends so sometimes we come over for dinner and whatnot.

"Correct." I said pulling up to his house. It looked like his parents weren't home. "Are you coming?" I asked killing the engine.

"Do I have a choice?"

"No, not really." I said getting out of the car and walking to the front door.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"As positive as these tests are." I muttered and rang the doorbell.

Alex's POV

"Are you excited about heading out for Warp Tour next month?" Jack asked setting down his guitar.

"What kind of question is that? Of course we are." Rian said from behind his drums. We just finished up practice and just hanging out in the garage. We made it, we are finally taking off.

"No more shitty little shows. We are going to be on a big stage with a big crowd everyday for the summer." I said feeling good about the band. We were all just talking when the doorbell rang. "Who'd you invite over?" I asked getting up from the couch.

"No one." They all echoed.

"I don't know but I'ma get a drink." Zack said following me out of the garage. The rest of the guys agreed with Zack and headed up the stair with me. I walked to the door and opened it. Jennifer and her friend were standing outside my house. What is she doing here? I thought and didn't see her fist flying at my face.

"Jen!" Her friend yelled.

"Oh shit!" The guys yelled.

"Dammit." Jennifer muttered taking her hand back.

"Holly hell! What is your problem?!" I yelled clutching my nose. They walked in.

"Dude, she just punched you in the face." Jack said with wide eyes and a smirk. What the fuck is going on?

"What's my problem? My problem is that I'm fucking pregnant!" She yelled. Everyone stayed quiet.


"I'm pregnant." She said with her eye closed.

"Congratulations?" I asked more than stated. I'm confused and my nose hurts like a son of a bitch.

"No, congratulations to you because it's yours." She said with a dirty look. I just stared at her.

"No, you're joking." I said shaking my head, everyone was staring at me. She held her stare. "Jennifer, you have to be joking." I begged. She sighed and started to dig through her purse. She threw a box at me.

"Read the test, I took three of them. They all read the same thing. I don't think I'm joking." I caught the box and took out the test and sure enough, it was positive. I stood there staring at the little pee stick in a daze. The room started to spin and my vision got blurry. I pictured a baby in my arms and did the most unsuspected thing in the world. I fainted.

Jen's POV

So punching him wasn't the smartest thing to do but he deserved it. We shouldn't have come. God, this wasn't a good idea. I thought glaring at him.

"Congratulations?" He asked. Fucker, how can he just stand there and not be a little freaked out.

"No, congratulations to you because it's yours." I said ready to punch him again. What does he take me as, some slut who sleeps around with anything that has the opposite anatomy? He must have us confused because he's the slut, not me. Great, to top things off, he just fainted.

"Oh my God! Jennifer, I told you this was a bad idea." Brea yelled at me.

"Holy shit, is he alright?" Rian asked rushing over to where we were I got on the floor next to Alex.

"Go get me a cool towel and a pillow." I said to anyone. I laid Alex's head on my lap. I checked his pulse. "He's okay." I said after a minute.

"Here" Jack said handing me a pillow. I took it.

"Thanks." I said laying it between Alex's head and my lap. Rian came back with the damp towel.

"Is he going to be okay?"  Rian asked sitting down next to me on the floor.

"From fainting or from hearing the great news?" I asked sarcastically. Everyone was quiet. I moved some hair off of his forehead and laid the towel on it. I sighed. "He'll be fine." I said.

"Are you happy?" Jack asked after a while. "I mean about you being pregnant, not making Alex faint. I'm not trying to be a douche-"

"I get it, Jack." I said with a smile and a light laugh. "No, not really-I don't know. Would you?" Was my answer.

"I guess not. I mean not when we just got signed and gonna head out for Warp Tour." He said looking at his bandmates.

"You guys got signed? That's great." I forced a smile at Jack because the cold hard truth just shot me. Alex is going to go on tour, leaving me alone with this baby. Alex started to stir in my lap. My attention went back to Alex who was waking up.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked removing the towel off his forehead and moving his hair out of his face. I couldn't help but get lost in those deep brown eyes of his while doing so.

"Yeah, I think. What happened?" He asked sitting up. With a mental sigh I put my hands in my lap.

"You fainted."

"Oh, right." He looked around the room, "can we talk in private?" he asked me standing up.

"Sure." I said setting the pillow aside to get up. Brea rushed to my side to help me up. "I can get up, Bree." I said taking her hand and pulling myself up. She blushed but still helped me. I followed Alex to his room, all eyes on us.

"Alright," He said shutting the door after me, "you're pregnant. Don't get mad but are you sure-" I cut him off.

"That it's yours? Yes, I'm sure." I said trying to stay calm.

"Fuck." He said pacing in front of me.

"Why didn't you wear a condom? I asked and immediately regretted it.

He stopped pacing and glared at me. Yeah, totally shouldn't have asked. "You think I asked for this? We were drunk. I don't know what I was thinking and I sure as hell don't remember you saying anything about it while we were-." He stopped himself and took a breathe.  I stayed quiet. "Okay, we can fix this. We'll go to a clinic and sort everything out over there." He said.

"Why would we go there?"

"Jenny, don't play dumb. You know what I'm talking about." Alex said with a dead on serious look.

"Are you out of your mind?!" I yelled.

"What? Do you have a better plan?" He asked, raising his voice over mine.

"I will not get an abortion you fucking prick. We would be killing our-" I stopped mid sentence, "no, I won't do it." I said shaking my head.

"Well, fuck, Jennifer. What the fuck do you want me to say? To do? All Time Low finally got signed. I'm going on tour." He said glaring at me.

"Fine, go." I said walking to the door. "This was a bad idea. Just forget about it, okay? I'll figure it out. Have fun, Alex." I said turning the door handle, hearing foot steps running from the door. Shaking my head I opened the door and walked out of his room. "Brea, let's go." I said walking to the front door.

"Bye." I heard her say to the rest of the guys and jogged out the door where I was waiting for her.

"What happened?" She asked as we walked to the car.

"You were right, this was a bad idea." I said as a tear fell from my eye. Taking in a calm breathe I started the car and drove off.

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