One Night Stand? More Like Nine Months Chapter 1

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(Chapter One)

Senior year is finally over, no more waking up at the ass crack of dawn, no more bitchy girls, and best of all, no more high school. But everything is coming to an end. This was my line for the whole drive to our last high school party.

"Will you stop saying that already? You are eating away the night." Breanda said linking arms with me as we walked down the path walk to the front door.

"Sorry but it's true. This is most likely the last night we will all see each other."

"Jen, we have been best friends since grade school, trust me, this is not our last night together. Now, loosen up, have some fun. Like you said, this is our last high school party. Soon, it will be college parties with college boys." She said opening the front door. We were hit with the smell of sweat and alcohol. Yum, high school parties, you gotta love 'em

"Oh, I see Kathy. I'll catch you around. Don't leave without me." Breanda yelled over the music and walked off into the sea of people.

"Bree!" I yelled after her. I followed her until she disappeared. With a sigh, I walked deeper into the party. I talked to everyone I knew as I passed by as I made my way to my destination: the kitchen. I poured a drink and hung out with some kids from my classes. One drink turned into four or five then things started to get a little blurry after that.

I was talking with a group of people when someone wrapped their arms around me. I turned around and was face to chest with the amazing Alexander William Gaskarth, cue swoon. He was the school's whore and God at the same time. We had a few classes together and our families knew each other so we talked every now and again.

"Jenny, baby." He slurred, pulling me closer to his body.

"Alex!" Cried the alcohol. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He towered over me, hell everyone did, so this was a bit awkward.

"We should go dance."

"Okay." I said cheekily. So, I'm not thinking straight, but in my defense, I'm drunk. What harm can happen out of dancing? Like that's even a real question. Dancing led to grinding then grinding led to people cheering.

"Go get a room, Gaskarth!" Someone yelled at us. Alex looked down at me.

"You want to?" He asked with a hint of danger in his eye. By answering his question I took his hand in mine and led us off the 'dance floor' and into the crowed hallway. We found an empty room and locked the door. Only one thing was on my mind: Alex. He wasted no time. We were locked in a heated kiss in seconds. Our hands roamed every inch of each other. I took a step back, pulling Alex with me to the bed.

There are three reasons why this is wrong, One, this is someone's bed that we are in. Two, I'm a straight "A" student with a full ride to college and lastly, this is a total cliché. Hooking up with someone on graduation night, especially when that person is Alex. But none of that mattered because Alex and I were making out on that someone's bed.

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