One Night Stand? More Like Nine Months Chapter 2

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(Chapter Two)

Silence. That's all you heard. There is nothing else to do but just to stand here and say nothing. I'm dead. I am utterly fucked to death. I thought back to how we got here.

"What do you mean you think?" Brea asked for the hundredth time. We are both in her car driving to the nearest drug store.

"As in I'm not fucking sure. I'm late, throwing up all the time and tired!" I yelled hitting my head against the passenger seat.

"And don't forget grouchy." She mumbled.

"I heard that. And I'm not." I glared at her. She pulled into CVS parking lot.

"So what do we do?" We walked into the store. It was fairly empty. Thank God.

"Buy a test." I said walking around looking for the right aisle.

"Just one?" Brea asked by my side.

"How many do you think we need?" I asked stopping in front of the shelf full of different types of pregnancy tests. I felt like I was going to throw up again. Come on, girl. Pull yourself together I begged myself taking a deep breath.

"Maybe two or three." She said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Okay." I said grabbing three different brands of the shelves.

"Just like that?"

"What do you mean?" I asked annoyed with the way she was acting about everything.

"I don't know you are acting all calm. Like it's not a big deal." Brea said in a huff. I felt like I was ready to explode.

"Well fuck, Bree! What do you want me to do? Have a break down for everyone to watch? I'm freaking out just as much as you are and I am trying to hold myself together because I might be pregnant!" I yelled tears stinging at the back of my eyes. We both stayed quiet. "I'm sorry." I said with a shaky breath.

"Me too. I know you must be freaking out but I am too."

"I know." I said with a sniff.

"Come on, let's go pay for these." She said squaring her shoulders and led us to the cashier.

"Hello. Did you find everything alright?" The cashier asked as she rung up the tests. I shook my head, not trusting my voice. She finished ringing up my items and I paid. "Thank you for shopping at CVS and have a nice day." She said handing us the bag.

"You too." Brea said to the girl. We walked out of the store and back to Brea's car, all the while praying to God that I was just super late.

End of Flashback

Brea was the first to break the silence. "This one kinda only has one line." She said picking up the test.

"Brea, they're all positive." I said and broke down in tears. "Oh my God. I'm pregnant." I cried.

"It's going to be okay. We can fix this. We'll work something out. I promise." She said trying to calm me down.

"No, there's no way to fix this." I said shaking with sobs.

"Okay, let's take this one step at a time. Who was the last person you had sex with?" She asked taking my hands in hers. I took a deep breathe.

"Uh...Tyler, but that was months ag-" I stopped short.

"What, what's wrong?" Graduation, the party, drinking, dark room, naked...

"Alex." I said my breathing coming out rapid, eyes fixed on the tests.

"Gaskarth?" Brea asked appalled. "You had sex with Alex and you didn't tell me?!" She yelled adding to her question.

"At the graduation party."

"Wait, this was over a month ago and you didn't tell me?'

"Bree, we have bigger problems than that." I said boxing up one of the tests and throwing it in my purse.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to kill myself a Gaskarth." I said over my shoulder as I walked out of my bathroom to my car, Bree hot on my heels.

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