Love troubles

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Funtime foxy and Lolbit crept out of the elevator.

"We made it!" They both said with excitement. Funtime Freddy stood above to the two vixens with a face of concern.

"How did you two manage to get stuck in there?" He asked.

"Well....Lolbit is back in normal condition again so we were messing around. What were you doing sleepyhead?" Ft. Foxy replied with a playful grin.

"I woke up and searched the whole pizzeria for the fox I love." Ft. Freddy said before he kissed Ft. foxy on the cheek.
The two foxes stood up and the three of them went to the main stage area to hang out with ballora and baby. When the three of them arrived they noticed yenndo talking to ballora. Lolbit hid behind Ft. Freddy and just sighed.

"He's gonna think I want him back." She said.

"Don't be silly. He doesn't deserve you and is just a massive tool. If he messes with you I'll beat him up." Ft. Freddy said. Funtime foxy and Lolbit gaped at the sudden aggression Funtime Freddy had.

"Why so angry Fred?" Lolbit asked.

"I don't look kindly upon those who make someone who is critically injured in the head feel upset. He may be why you got so messed up and needed the surgery. It doesn't help when you have an emotional shock after getting a head injury." Ft. Freddy explained as they walked in. Yenndo gave a friendly look to who he thought was only two animatronics but looked away with disgust when he saw Lolbit, who walked over to him with a look of confusion, Lolbit hadn't quite believed Funtime foxy when she told her they broke up.

"Hey there my fav bear!" She said as she hugged yenndo who only pried her arms off of him and looked away.

"I'm not YOUR bear anymore can't you see that? Get lost you sad excuse for a f-" Yenndo was stopped by the fast and hard slap from Lolbit who was fuming with anger.

"Oh so it is true. You decided to do this when I was injured. Was it so I didn't remember? Did you want to be able to float over this and enjoy my confusion you ball of slime?" Yenndo looked at Lolbit with anger and raised a fist. Everyone in the room froze as Yenndo struck Lolbit in the face. Funtime Freddy and Funtime foxy ran at Yenndo who was already being asssaulted by ballora and baby. Funtime foxy ran over to Lolbit to see if she was okay while Funtime Freddy ran over and kicked Yenndo in the stomach and sent him sliding into the main stage. Yenndo recovered from the kick quickly and ran at Funtime freddy only to get kicked in the side by ballora. Lucas entered the room halfway done eating a chocolate donut and stared at the chaos.

"Everybody STOP!" He yelled which made all the animatronics all freeze in place.

"Why are we all beating up on Yenndo?" He asked.

"HE HIT LOLBIT!" Ft. Foxy yelled.

"Ah okay. Yenndo come over here." Lucas said with a calm face. The already beaten Yenndo stumbled over to the guard who looked down at him with his knowing stare.

"So you think that's okay?" He asked a silent Yenndo who didn't respond.

"I see." Lucas said. He walked over to the bear who remained motionless and gave him a hard punch in the gut followed by a trip and a kick to the side.

"I asked you a question." He said to Yenndo who had still decided to not talk. Lucas picked him up and threw him into a wall. Yenndo got up and tried punching Lucas who just dodged the punch and kneed Yenndo in the gut.

"Last chance. Answer me." He said.

"" Yenndo spit out.

"Ah okay. Screw me. How about..." Lucas began before he kicked Yenndo in his already broken face and sent him flying into Funtime Freddy who just shoved the battered Yenndo into the floor.

"Screw you." Lucas said before he handed Funtime Freddy a mop.

"I need you to clean up the blood. I'll get his body. There's gonna be a lot of work for Yenndo and don't worry, he will be programmed with some new knowledge." Lucas said before he left the room with the body of Yenndo over his shoulder.

The other animatronics left the room. Most of the girls were offering Lolbit things to make her feel better. She was fine after all. Lolbit felt better than ever.


The springtrap slaved over the animatronic he had been working on for the past couple of hours. Time meant nothing to the monster. He knew he had plenty of it.

"Look at you! You're so beautiful!" He said as he stepped back and admired his work. It was a black bear with a golden bow tie and top hat. It had parts of it's costume ripped and torn, it had huge razor sharp claws and large strong teeth. The bear had blood red eyes and a mouth at its stomach.

"A perfect.....nightmare!" The springtrap said. He placed the bear with his other creations. He dubbed them the nightmares, they would be his backup. Springtrap had planned his attack perfectly, split up the animatronics and have his nightmares attack them one by one. He would trap Lucas and make him watch the animatronics slowly die and then he would kill Lucas by scooping him! Springtrap smirked at the cameras he had found. Little did the springtrap know he wasn't the only one watching, a certain circus baby was watching him. She smiled at him.

"You won't be getting us old man." She said before she retreated to the safety of the pizzeria to tell her friends. Little did baby know the attack had already begun. Springtrap opened a sewer grate and let the nightmares go in, he followed them and the group of monstrosities entered the pizzeria through the scooping room. The nightmares split up from springtrap and left to find their targets which were all luckily in the main stage area after Lucas had called a meeting to introduce the new and improved Yenndo.

"Your reckoning has come." One of the nightmares said, interrupting the meeting and making the Funtimes and Lucas silent. Suddenly the nightmare animatronics sprang from the vents and all began to attack the other animatronics.
The nightmare landed in front of Lucas and let out a demonic chuckle.

"Look at you. A small man with nothing left." It remarked

"Ahh, so you've come to test the old man's mettle. Come here big boy." Lucas said with aggression before his helmet and gloves protracted and he pulled out one of his hatchets. The nightmare laughed and bared its claws.

Alone in the dark no more (Funtime Frexy) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now