Chapter 13

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There are so many matters to settle now, and Edelgard is greatly in need of support, support that Byleth is more than willing to offer her. She and Jeralt remain loyal to their emperor, offering any support needed, and all the while, their battles have not ended yet.

It takes some time for Byleth to recover enough to be ready to join Hubert in his underground assaults, but Jeralt is by her side when she does, the two of them working together and protecting one another, and ensuring that their vengeance is properly carried out. Through Hubert's strategy and guidance, they are able to finally make a difference against the group that has controlled the Empire from the shadows for years, pushing them back slowly, working to make sure that Edelgard, that the world, is finally liberated from their control.

It becomes closer and closer, the world that she has dreamed of, and the world where Byleth and her father can finally know peace. At times, they wonder what would have happened if they had never been brought back to the monastery, what side that they would have fallen on, or if they would have caught wind of the conflict and left the continent altogether, just to ensure that they were not brought into it, but both have agreed that they are glad that they ended up on the side that they did.

Had they gotten contracted into assisting some noble family's efforts, or had they stayed completely uninvolved, the outcome may have been entirely different, and, knowing what she does now, Byleth is glad that she chose the side that she did, knowing that she helped to make sure that the right side- as far as she is concerned- won. That is why she has to stay to see this through, until she feels that her work is truly done. Until that day comes, she will remain at the emperor's side, assisting in any way that she can.

Even so, she does still dream of getting away from all of this someday, a dream that her father shares with her. They still talk about it, still planning for where they will go and what they will see, still not sure where they will end up, only knowing that they are going to end up there together. Still, preferably where no one knows them, and where they can live as a couple at last.

Until then, they are able to continue their relationship in secret like they are used to. If nothing were to ever change for them, they both know that they could be content like this, but knowing that there is a chance for them to change things and live a better life leaves both excited for the future. After all that they have been through together, Byleth can't help but think that they deserve to have a few things go their way, and to be able to live peacefully, without any more need for fighting.


Eventually, there comes a day when she has to talk to Edelgard about this idea, however. She knows that her friend and former student wants her to stay at her side from here on out, to continue to assist her in all of her work. Perhaps she even wants Byleth to take part in politics, and so Byleth has to be upfront with her right away, before she lets herself get carried away, making plans that the former professor will not be able to take part in.

"I wanted to talk to you about the future," Byleth says one day, when she has the chance to be alone with her and have a real discussion.

"You're going to leave soon, aren't you?" Edelgard asks, taking Byleth by surprise. This is not what she expected to hear from her. She had expected Edelgard to be completely clueless about her true intentions, and to be surprised by her plans to move on from the Empire as soon as possible, not to already know that what Byleth is planning, and to seem so calm already, as if she has spent a lot of time thinking about it, and has already come to terms with it.

"I think that it would be best," Byleth replies.

"I'm not going to do anything to stop you, but can I ask why you think that? You're hardly a controversial figure right now, and I think everyone could benefit a lot from your involvement in my governing. Has someone said something to make you think that you should leave?"

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