Chapter 21

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We went through Esperanza's door, well it's just her, Onyx and myself at this point on, we made our way out of this place not knowing on who we are going to run into and fight, well I'm ready for a fight, I'm not letting my guard down at all, I do not know what Aizen wants from me, I hope it's not what I am thinking of him being after something that does not exist. There is no such thing as the Elemental Realm, is there?

If so, that might be why Aizen is after me, he wants all the power but guess what, I can overpower him because my power level is no where Ichigo's power level is at. Let's just say that the more training I do, the more power I receive and I can defeat anyone who stands in my way of fighting for what is right, I do not follow under anyone, I follow what ever my heart tells me, then again, I never knew on what my inner world looks like, Esperanza sees me with a curious look on my face, "Are you thinking about if you have an inner world or not? You should."

"I never saw it," I said, "My elementals go straight into the hair clip." "I see," said Esperanza, "Well, since we are patiently waiting for everyone else to show up safely. Let's see that inner world of yours." So I concentrated on my inner world, thankfully I was sitting down while this was happening. Then I went to this odd looking place, is this my inner world? All my elementals appeared I could feel each of their power increasing while in this place. Jewel says to everyone, "Guys, this is it, the Elemental Realm, it actually exists."

I looked around, it looks VERY barren, "How do we add the landscape of this place? All I see is an endless sky of colors from the color wheel." "Color wheel of all the elements in this realm," said Jewel, "Let's see what happens if we placed our hands on the colors we represent." "Black is at the bottom and White is up at the top," I instructed, "Typical color wheel."

As they did that, a fraction of each elemental was sapped into the realm, the realm was starting to look like a true pure world, Esperanza placed her hand on the Indigo, apparently it counted her as an elemental of Magic, we all started to see the colors moving magically, "Apparently I count as one of the elements." "Magic," said Serene Jewel, "That's literally one of the elements here." "Could this realm be really what Aizen wants?" I asked, "I hope not, as far as I know there is no one to defend the realm."

"You are a fast one," said Raven, "Which is true there is no one to defend this realm." "Esperanza and I are going to be the defenders," I said, "After all, if it's only Aizen, 2 is enough to defeat him." "I hope you are right about that but be careful," said Jaguar, "He may be going easy on you so he can have easy access to the hairclip, it leads to here so far as we know." "We need to make a amulet that will let a few selected people to help defend this realm," said Pandora, "But it's going to be a lot of material and colors to go through so it might be a while."

As we left the realm, I felt relief knowing that I have a realm to go to not an inner world, yippee! But wait, this realm is shared by Esperanza as well because she was also in position, so she is an elemental and I didn't even know that she was, she didn't know that she was as well, we were both baffled by that fact. I asked, "So, where could the other elementals would be located?"

"Let's not rush things," said Esperanza, "Enjoy life while you can, you might be surprised on how many people don't know on how everything is going to turn out." "Not even Ichigo or everyone else knows on what is going to happen," I said, "I just hope whatever happens I don't end up losing on what I have." "Just believe that Aizen will be captured and be put in prison for the rest of his life until further notice," said Esperanza, "To be fair, I was going to become ruler of Hueco Mundo but defending the Elemental Realm sounds much more fun than stuck here for eternity."

"Yeah it sucks if that was the case," I told her, "Of all people, you being an elemental for Magic?" "I know right, that's insane," she said, "I hope nothing happens to one of us." "Let's not jinx it," I said to her, "I do not want that image of you losing your life." "Same goes to you," she said, "I do not know what Ichigo would do if something happened to you."

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