Chapter 26

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After a while Jewel and Talon set up the date on where their wedding day will be, Jewel had enough courage to go back to the Kuchiki house to give Jasper an invitation to her wedding, Talon did the same with Solar Ember. Jewel was filled with dread on how she would be greeted by since it has been forever since she moved into the Shiba house, she was let inside, immediately was greeted by cold shoulders, she would accept the cold shoulders because she did not return with Jasper, instead she moved into the Shiba house but she has a feeling that they all knew on what she has been up to ever since she never returned. She waited until someone had gotten Jasper, her mood instantly changed when Byakuya greeted her by saying on how much he missed her stories on how handsome Talon was. Jewel told him that she couldn't stay long and wanted him to give the letter to Jasper as soon as possible and also told him that it would mean a lot to her if Jasper showed up at her wedding. When she told Byakuya that she was getting married to someone who they did not approve, one of the elderly ladies ordered her to stop this nonsense, this woman was very harsh on Jewel ever since she started to go against every rule, now Jasper was starting to rebel because of how much they wanted him to forget his own sister and told everyone that he is no longer going to be one of the heads of the Kuchiki clan and told them to find someone else. Jewel was surprised that he even did that, after all this time Jasper thought on what she was doing was wrong, but everyone is different you can not expect them to act in such a way.

Jewel was excited to finally see Jasper taking a stand against the elderly woman because he has heard enough out of her and dismissed all of her orders for the rest of the day. Jasper gladly accepted to attend her wedding, he finally told everyone that he is never returning because he burned all of his stuff and wants to start a fresh new path. Jewel has finally seen her little brother looking up to her as the big sibling, they both left the clan and went into the Shiba house. Talon sees Jasper behind Jewel, "Why is he following you, Jewel?" "He's back to being my little brother," she said to him, "Lay off on him, he was told rumors on how bad I was behaving and how I needed to be in line." "Another thing that made me snap and start rebelling was when they were trying to force me to forget Serene Jewel which that was the line that they crossed," said Jasper, "As far as I know, I hate my name now because of how badly everything had gotten, been waiting for someone to call me Jackson for a change." "Alright, Jackson is it then," said Jewel, "What would your other name be?" "Jagaur? If you hadn't noticed, Jewel, but I see a Jagaur tail wrapped around his waist," said Talon. It was true, Jagaur always hides his tail in plain sight because he never moves it unless provoked or try to harm his sister.

Solar Ember finally arrived saying that she got approved to stay until the wedding after that she has to return to her barracks, she was in Kisuke's squad at the time and she was one of his best soldiers because she was very hardworking and never gives up on a fight. She won against Unohana, at the time was the first Kenpachi, and all Solar did was constantly casting fire based moves and was very effective in every single fight that comes her way and doesn't back down. While they were getting everything set up, Talon and Jewel were becoming parents of their first child, they were told by whoever was the captain of squad 4 at the time that they were going to have a son and were given the bad news that it may not survive in the Spirit Realm if they decided to give it life but they shook it off like it was nothing and that was not only the reason why Talon married her in the first place, he knows that is a stupid reason to get married only because the lady has a child. This was after their wedding day and ceremony, when Jewel went into labor, they immediately went to the barracks of squad 4, and she gave birth, a lot of hours later, they were told the worst news that they were hoping to not here, but Serene Jewel already gave their son the name of Tristan Salem, them both started their own clan underneath the Shiba Clan, Jewel and Talon agreed for the house name to be Itsuki, meaning tree, they were completely distraught that they didn't believe the doctor, but what they didn't know was that Raven, who vanished right before everyone else, healed the newborn but no one heard the cry of the infant, but someone sure did from a different realm, that realm was called Hueco Mundo.

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