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HELLO , SOKKA HERE . before we start i feel like i should point certain things out . i'll list them out for you .
NUMBER ONE . the gender of the reader will be female . since i am a girl too , i find it easier to write it from a female's perspective .
NUMBER TWO . you shall address to me as : SOKKA. please respect that . also do NOT call me things such as : ' author chan ' or ' author senpai ' .
NUMBER THREE . as i said before i am a female . my pronouns are SHE/THEY.
NUMBER FOUR . grammar . in case you did not know , english is not my first language . my first language as well as where i am from is not important . spelling mistakes will be made . do NOT point them out . also , the lowercase is intended .
NUMBER FIVE . do NOT be weird towards me in the comments , announcement board or in dms . behavior as such is only accepted from my FRIENDS .
NUMBER SIX . do NOT and i can't stress this enough , DO NOT write , be it in the comments , announcement board , dms , to update or when the next update will be . i am a HUMAN not a robot . i have my own PERSONAL & SOCIAL life .
that's about it . please respect the ' rules ' that i made , and hopefully we will both enjoy this book .
ONE MORE THING before i go . i will not be active a lot on here , so if you need me then please feel free to dm on the following accounts :