[ i apologize since this one is shorter . ]⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘦𝘸 , 𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡 . ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀
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A GROAN LEFT SOKKA ' S MOUTH . how could he forget that their boat got destroyed .
" well , if you guys are stuck , appa and i can give you a lift . " said aang , jumping in the air and then sitting down on the bison ' s head .
katara smiled , approaching the two .
" we'd love a ride . thanks . "
" oh , no ! i am not getting on that fluffy snot monster - " said sokka as he watched katara climb with the help of aang while [ name ] was making her way towards the two before he grabbed her and pulled her towards him . " and neither is [ name ] . "
" hey ! i can make my own decisions , i am a big girl . " huffed [ name ] . " and besides , how else are we going to get home ? "
" yeah sokka , are you hoping some other kind of monster will come along and give you a ride home ? you know , before you freeze to death . "
" ah - " with a sigh , sokka let [ name ] ' s arm go and slowly made his way with her to appa , helping her up on the creature .
" ok . first time flyers , hold on tight . appa , yip yip . " exclaimed aang .
appa groaned , jumping in the air and into the water , slowly making his way to the tribe .
" come on , appa , yip yip . "
" wow , that was truly amazing . " said sokka , earning himself an elbow in the ribs from [ name ] .
" appa ' s just tired . a little rest and he'll be soaring through the sky . you'll see . "
" why are you smiling at me like that ? " asked katara , as she noticed the young boy smile at her .
" oh . i was smiling ? "
sokka groaned .
" awe , come on sokka . i think it's cute . ahh , young love . " said [ name ] , wrapping her arms around the boy and smiling . " remember when we where like that once , husband ? "
[ name ] giggled , making sokka embrace her back and laugh .
" oh yes , my dear wife i do indeed . "
his ponytail swished at the wind ran through it . the thought that the avatar was back was making him happy , but he won't show it .
" i'm going to bed now . " yawned iroh . " yep . a man needs his rest . prince zuko , you need some sleep . even if you're right and the avatar is alive , you won't find him . your father , grandfather and great - grandfather all tried and failed . "
" because their honor didn't hinge on the avatar ' s capture . mine does . this coward ' s hundred years in hiding are over . " the prince responded .
a sleeping sokka and [ name ] were cuddled in the back of the saddle , trying to keep each other warm . katara and aang being the only ones awake .
" hey . " said katara as she inched towards the front of the saddle , trying to start a conversation with the boy .
" hey . what are you thinking about ? "
" i guess i was wondering . you being an airbender and all . . . if you had any idea what happened to the avatar . "
" uh . . . no . i didn't know him . i mean , i knew people that knew him . but i didn't . sorry . "
" ok . just curios . "
" anyways , about sokka and [ name ] are they , you know . . . dating ? i know that you mentioned them being married , or something like that . "
" oh , no . if anything [ name ] is like his best friend . she was always by his side . helping him with training , telling each other stories , even sleeping in the same bed . they're inseparable . oh and the whole married thing is a joke between the people in the village and us , since they are always chosen to be the dad and mom while playing house with the toddlers . " a small smile appeared on her face , before turning around . " it's getting late , we should go to sleep . goodnight . "
" yeah , sleep tight . "
water and wind . that's all that aang felt and saw . he was in the middle of a storm while on appa . water splashing in their faces , turning them until finally it dragged both of them underneath .
with a gasp aang woke up , he was laying on something , he was safe .
" it's ok , we're in the village now . " said katara , getting up . " now get ready , everyone's waiting . " and with that she was out of the tent .
while katara introducing aang to the people , her brother was teaching his ' class ' that was mostly just the toddlers .
" sokka , come on , let them have a little break . " sighed [ name ] from her spot where she was sewing .
" you don't understand , [ name ] . there is a war going on right now , we have to be prepared . and besides they don't look like they need a break . "
just as he finished his sentence a hand was raised . quirking his eyebrow sokka asked :
" is something wrong ? "
" i gotta go potty . "
" no ! warriors don't go potty ! "
" but i really gotta go . mom , tell dad to let me go potty . " whined the little kid towards [ name ] .
right . to them , they were a married couple , quite funny actually , since both of them were only children .
" you heard the boy , sokka . " grinned [ name ] .
with a defeated sigh , sokka agrees . " alright . who else needs to use the potty ? "
multiple hands were raised , making [ name ] laugh quietly .